问题 单项选择题

テレビを見ながら、男の人と女の人が話しています。M:さて、次は読書コーナーの時間です。今日はことし、特に話題になった小説をジャンル別にご紹介します。まず、時代小説ですが、なんといっても、『夕暮れの川』ですね。江戸時代の庶民の暮らしを鮮やかに描いたものです。次に、推理小説では、2 人の刑事の活躍が読者を楽しませてくれる。『ハードアンドソフト』を、お勧めします。これはすでに百万部を突破し、今年度、出版界最大のヒット作となっています。『青と緑』は、若い男女の微妙な心理を巧みに描写した恋愛小説で、現在人気上昇中です。最後に、ビジネス小説の分野では『ネオ銀行の再生』がマスコミに頻繁に取り上げられ、注目集めています。----笔记:在考卷上有书名的选项,所以可以在各个书名的选项上记下每本书各自的类别時代、夕ぐれの川推理、ハードアンド~、ヒット青と~、恋愛、人気上昇中ビジネス、ネオ~、注目M:ねえ、吉田さんはどんな本が好きなの。F:わたし?わたしは本はぜんぜん。恋愛とか歴史とかは特にだめね。----笔记:女:恋愛、歴史、だめM:そうなんだ。F:でも、このビジネス小説、おもしろそう。仕事に役立ちそうだし。買って読んでみようかな。田中さんは?----笔记:ビジネス、かうM:僕は本なら、ジャンルを問わず、何でもすきなんだ。----笔记:男、何でもF:ええ、じゃ、今のテレビで言ってた本も全部読んでるの。M:いや、一番売れているって言ってた本はまだだけどね。----笔记:男:一番売れてる、まだ






Weekend getaways and romantic dinners used to be sweet escapes from the daily working life. Nowadays, vacations are often interrupted by the ding of an instant message on a wireless laptop. That’s not news to modern workers, many of whom may just be getting back from a long winter break during which they worked more than in years past. One-fifth of Americans carry a laptop on vacation. Countless more carry cell phones, many of which can be used to check company e-mail.

And why not? With wireless coverage extending, staying connected is simple. Recently, JetBlue Airways announced a trial of free e-mail and instant messaging services for passengers on one of its aircraft. Other airlines are expected to follow suit. But there’s a hidden cost to companies: employee burnout. Using work cell phones and checking company e-mail at the poolside is not a vacation.

“If I were a manager, I would insist that my employees leave their cell phones at work during their vacation and not check their e-mail while away ,” said Dov Eden, an organizational psychologist. “In the long run, the employee will be better rested and better able to perform his or her job.”

A nine-year study of more than 12,000 middle-aged men at high risk of heart disease showed that participants who vacationed more had a lower risk of dying than the vacation-deprived(剥夺的). In a nationwide survey, nearly half of the 2,000 adults questioned said stress has increased in the past five years, with 75 percent ranking money and work as the leading causes of stress.

One way to beat work stress could be to work from home or another remote location. This alternative work arrangement is a win-win set-up. Telecommuting(远程办公)has an overall beneficial effect, because the arrangement provides employees with more control over how they do their work. Telecommuters reported more job satisfaction, less stress and improved work-family balance.

71. According to the first paragraph, Americans carry a cell phone or a laptop on vacation mainly to        .

A. entertain themselves                       B. keep in touch with their family

C. check company emails                           D. tell their managers about their experiences

72. What does the underlined phrase “employee burnout” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Employees become very angry.         B. Employees get extremely tired

C. Employees leave the company.        D. Employees demand a pay rise.

73. We can learn from the last paragraph that        .

A. companies have more control over telecommuters

B. telecommuting is good for both companies and employees

C. employees will work more slowly if they work at home

D. telecommuting can reduce the company’s stress

74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. In the past, people on vacation were seldom interrupted by work.

B. Dov Eden agrees with JetBlue Airways’ announcement.

C. Many airlines have been providing their passengers with instant service.

D. Most people are under stress because they have no vacation to relax.

75. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to spend your holidays  B. The modern vacation: fully wired, totally ruined

C. Modern life with cell phones  D. Telecommuting-----a win-win set-up
