A.抢救者站在一侧,一手按压患者前额,一手托住颈部,将患者的下颌向上后方翘起使其头后仰B.开始时宜连续吹入3~4次,然后以每15秒1次的频率吹入C.为防止吹入气经鼻腔逸出,可用按前额的手捏住患者鼻孔或在吹气时用面颊 紧贴患者鼻孔D.吹气后放开口鼻任胸廓回缩呼气,同时观察胸廓起伏,听呼吸音E.人工呼吸通常与胸外心脏按压配合进行
Dear Sonia,
I am having a party for my 13th birthday. Can you come to my birthday party? It will be a wonderful
party. You can listen to some pop music and you can see a big birthday cake. I think it's much bigger than
your backpack. It is as big as a desk. Did you see such a cake? It will be a special party, too. It's also a ball.
You can dance to the nice music. But you have to take a partner (伙伴;搭档). The party begins at 7:00 pm
on Friday. Welcome to my house. You will enjoy yourself! Don't forget to take a boy!
1. This is an invitation _______.
A. to a boy
B. From Sonia
C. to Sonia
D. to Lily
2. There is a very _______ at the party.
A. big backpack
B. small desk
C. big cake
D. big desk
3. The underlined (画线的) word "ball" means _______.
A. basketball
B. soccer ball
C. dancing party
D. match
4. The party will be held (举行) _______.
A. in the evening
B. next Friday
C. on the weekends
D. in the morning
5. If Bob goes to the party, he may need to take a _______ with him.
A. boy
B. girl
C. ball
D. dog