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参考答案:基于我国“教学大纲”的种种弊端以及新课程改革所倡导的基本理念及改革目标,这次课程改革中以“课程标准”代替以前的“教学大纲”,这不仅仅是一个简单的词语置换,至少应包括以下四方面的理解和考虑:(1) 课程价值趋向从精英教育转向大众教育。1996年教育部组织对我国义务教育实施状况的调研表明,我国现行教学大纲要求过高,教学内容存在繁、难、偏、深、旧、窄的情况,90%的学生不能达到教学大纲规定的要求。义务教育课程标准是国家制定的某一学段共同的、统一的基本要求,而不是最高要求,它应是大多数儿童都能达到的标准。因此,课程标准是一个“最低标准”,是一个绝大多数儿童都能达到的标准。接受义务教育是每一个儿童的基本权利,义务教育不是精英教育,应面向每一个儿童,着眼于全体儿童的发展。(2)课程目标着眼于学生素质的全面提高。教学大纲关注的是学生在知识和技能方面的要求,而课程标准着眼于未来社会对国民素质的要求。作为国家对未来国民素质的基本要求的纲领性文件,各学科或领域学生素质的要求应成为课程标准的核心部分。新课程改革以促进学生发展为宗旨,确立了知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三位一体的课程目标。(3)从只关注教师教学转向关注课程实施过程。教学大纲顾名思义是各学科教学工作的纲领性文件,教师教学是教学大纲关注的焦点,缺乏对课程实施特别是学生学习过程的关注。(4)课程管理从刚性转向弹性。教学大纲对各科教学工作都作出了十分具体细致的规定,以便对教师的教学工作起到具体直接的指导作用。教学大纲便于教师学习和直接运用,但是“刚”性太强,不利于教师创造性的发挥,没有给教材特色化和个性化发展留下足够的空间,不利于教材多样化的实现,无法适应全国不同地区的学校发展极不平衡的状况。




Here is a passage about learning a foreign language.

Outside of class, the most natural way of finding out if you are making mistakes is from other people’s responses. If the mistakes are too serious, your listeners will be asking you all the time what you mean. If they are not so serious, then people may be asking you whether you said such and such. That will tell you how close you are to speaking “cogently”.

Of course, there are other times when it is important to have errors pointed out. Your class assignments(作业) are probably marked in this way, in which case you need to spend time going over them to take advantage of the individual feedback. In some classes the teacher gets better and better at grammar because she does all the corrections, but the students make slow progress if, when an assignment is returned, they quickly stuff it into their folders without looking.

You are the person who should be connecting your error, even if the marker has signaled them, When you look at them, there are some steps to work through. One distinction that has been made about learners’ language is this. You make mistakes about rules that you already know but you make errors about points you haven’t learned yet. In other words, you can find your own mistakes, but not your errors. First, make sure you understand what you have written or said, or your correction will simply be another stab at the right answer. Next, decide on the best way of practicing the correct form. Would it help you to write out the sentence once more. Can you make up another similar sentence? Then you could test yourself in a few days time to see whether you have remembered the right form, Anyone can get it right immediately after being told. He challenge is to remember it and apply it later.

57.We can learn from the passage that__________in learning a foreign language.

A.making mistakes about rules can always be avoided

B.speaking is the only way to correct mistakes

C.getting and using responses is important

D.errors can be easily corrected

58.How can you know that you are making fewer mistakes when speaking a foreign language?

A.By following the suggestions the writer put forward.

B.By practicing the correct forms.

C.From the teacher’s getting better and better at grammar.

D.From your listeners responses.

59.The writer thinks some students make slow progress because__________.

A.they understand what they have written or said.

B.they have remembered the right form

C.they hardly pay attention to their marked assignments

D.they decide on the best way of practicing the correct form

60.Which of the following might be the most important to work through your mistakes?

A.Keeping the right form in mind and using it later.

B.Writing out the sentence once more.

C.Learning your mistakes by heart.

D.Correcting your mistakes and writing down the teacher’s words.