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We should bear in mind the profound lessens of the international financial crisis so asto promote international financial regulatory reform and establish internationalfinancial system conducive to the development of the entity economy based on theprinciples of simplicity, enforceability and accountability by tracing the proper originand suiting the remedy to the situation. Emphasis should be placed on the consistencyof core principles and standards of international regulatory while differences infinancial markets of different countries should be fully taken into account in order to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of financial supervision.We must firmly grasp the organic unity of strength, sustainability and balancedgrowth. We should actively promote the strong growth, focus on maintainingsustainable growth and make efforts to achieve balanced growth. It is a longcomplicated process to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of worldeconomy, which can’t be done overnight. To achieve this, we must take into accountdifferent national conditions and respect the diversity of development roads andmodels as well as consistently and firmly push forward economic growth.

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