问题 判断题





[理由] 提单在法律上具有物权凭证(DOCUMENTS OF TITLE)的作用,国际贸易中的多数交易都采用象征性交货条件,象征性交货通常指的就是提交/转让包括提单在内的货运单据。转让提单意味着转让提单上所载明的货物所有权。

                                                             The Best Radio Station
    When I was young, I liked listening to the  _1_  .There are  _2_  radio stations in my hometown. But
I   _3_  the Jilin Broadcast Radio Station Best.
    Nowadays, though there are many news media , I   _4   1ike the radio. I think radio can give us   _5  
information. It can broadcast the news   _6_   happens. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions    _7_   what events to report and how to report them. They   _8_  make sure that readers can
relate to the stories.
     From my friend,I learn more about radio stations.    9 _  the radio the result is a better understanding
of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people   _10_  all countries are respected and
different views and opinions are tolerated.
( )1.A. tape
( )2.A. a lot
( )3.A. like
( )4.A. often
( )5.A. many
( )6.A. what
( )7.A. of  
( )8.A. too  
( )9.A. On  
( )10.A. to  
B. many    
B. enjoy  
B. still  
B. few    
B. when    
B. to      
B. also    
B. To      
B . from  
C. radio  
C. much    
C. favor  
C. much    
C. more    
C. that    
C. about  
C. either  
C. For    
C. of      
D. MP3      
D. few      
D. favorite  
D. little    
D. much      
D. if        
D. from      
D. or        
D. Of        
D. for      