问题 单项选择题





解析: 本题考点是法律规范的制定、批准和公布机关。根据《立法法》第69条第3款规定以及现存的经国务院批准的较大的市包括唐山、洛阳、苏州等18市。洛阳市人大制定的地方性法规经批准后,由洛阳市人大常委会发布公告予以公布,故A项正确。依《立法法》第76条第2款和第73条的规定,厦门市作为较大的市,有制定地方政府规章的权力,其制定地方政府规章应由厦门市市长签署命令予以公布,所以B项错。根据《立法法》第76条第1款的规定,2002年,外经贸部制定的《反倾销调查抽样暂行规则》是外经贸部部长石广生于当年3月签署命令公布的。当然,外经贸部现在已经由商务部取代。C项正确。依《立法法》第66条第1款和第69条第4款的规定,湘西土家族苗族自治州人民代表大会有权制定单行条例,在报经湖南省人民代表大会常务委员会批准后,由湘西土家族苗族自治州人民代表大会常务委员会发布公告予以公布,这样的程序操作是符合《立法法》之规定的,故D项是正确的。


第三节回答问题(共 3 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 6 分)

阅读下面短文,根据第 58至第 60小题的具体要求,尽可能简要回答问题,并将答案转写到答题卡上。

ANGELA Chang didn’t think it would be so hard to turn singing into a career. She went to many different record companies. But the Taiwanese girl was always turned down for looking too young and small.

“I’d never had such difficulties before,” Chang said. “My confidence was smashed (粉碎) to pieces.”

Chang's talent was finally recognized in 2002. When she got a contract (合同), she burst into tears.

She soon became a star. Her first album Over the Rainbow (《飞越彩虹》) sold very well. She won many awards.

“You wouldn't believe such a powerful voice could come from such a small body,” said one musician after hearing Chang sing. “She has a special voice. You can't forget it.”

Never give up

But the 25-year-old has other talents too. Chang is also an actress. She has starred in the popular Taiwanese TV dramas, My MVP Valentine (《MVP情人》) and At Dolphin Bay (《海豚湾恋人》). Many people remember her ordinary-girl parts in the dramas.

But acting is difficult. Chang once acted so badly that she was nearly fired. Another time it took her 27 tries to get a scene right.

“I cried when I got back home,” Chang said. “But I knew that I wouldn't always fail. You only fail when you give up.”

Now with four albums behind her-Over the Rainbow, Aurora (《欧若拉》), Pandora (《潘朵拉》) and Flower in the Wonderland, it's clear that Chang and music were made for each other. As she sings in one song: “I have a pair of invisible (隐形的) wings. They fly me to the skies and give me hope.”

58. What was her first album? (回答词数不超过 3个)


59. Why was Chang always turned down?(回答词数不超过 7个)

_______________________________________________________________________________60. What talents does Chang have according to the passage? (回答词数不超过5个)