问题 问答题

Jason is looking to purchase a 52 inch television. His friend Michael owns an electronic store and offers to sell him a television set having the required screen size for a particular price. Jason decides to take some further time to decide and see if he can obtain a further reduced price from another outlet. He subsequently receives a letter from Michael requesting that he take delivery of the television within a period of 15 days and that he pay the relative price he had offered him.Required:

(b) Explain whether the purported sale between Michael and Jason is deemed legally concluded. (5 marks)


参考答案:[*][*]C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\图片\40.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\图片\37.jpg


一、某工程建设单位分别与监理单位、施工单位签定了监理合同和工程承包合同。施工开始前,建设单位要求监理单位提交监理规划。但总监理工程师认为目前只有基础施工图,±0.000以上设计单位尚未出施工图,不能进行监理规划的编写,于是拒绝建设单位要求。但建设单位急需该项目的监理规划,总监理工程师建议先用监理大纲代替,建设单位无奈同意了该作法。不久,设计单位送来±0.000以上施工图,于是总监理工程师委托总监理工程师代表主持编写项目监理规划。开工后1个月,建设单位因资金紧缺,书面要求施工单位暂停施工。施工单位同意停工1个月,但要求建设单位赔偿因停工造成的损失,并在承包合同规定的期限内向项目监理机构提交了对建设单位的费用索赔意向通知书。问题: 1.设计图纸不全是否影响监理规划的编写编写监理规划的依据是什么 2.监理规划与监理大纲的作用有何不同 3.总监理工程师是否能委托总监理工程师代表主持编写项目监理规划总监理工程师不能将哪些工作委托总监理工程师代表 4.总监理工程师与总监理工程师代表之间、总监理工程师同该项目法人之间、总监理工程师代表同该项目法人之间的责任关系如何 5.监理单位是否应受理施工单位提出的索赔写出施工单位和总监理工程师处理索赔过程中应使用的相关表式。 6.监理单位处理费用索赔的依据是什么