问题 单项选择题

依次填入下列各句横线处最恰当的一项是( )。

A.跻身 以致 委派
B.跃居 以致 委任
C.跃居 以至 委派
D.跻身 以至 委任



解析: 本题考查实词辨析。跻身指上升到紧密的行列;跃居指跳跃式地上升到某个位子。修饰首位、榜首一般与“跃居”搭配。排除A、D两项。“委任”指任命某人担任某职务;“委派”指派遣某人做某事。到德籍留学生管理中心工作与“委派”搭配。“以至”指事物扩展、延伸或事物发展到一定程度产生的效果,表范围、数量、程度、时间等延伸和发展,一般指从小到大,从少到多,从浅到深。“以致”接事态发展所形成的结果,表示由于前面所说的原因而造成某种结果,多指不良结果或者不希望出现的结局。第二空白处表示科学技术发展到一定程度的效果,与“以至”搭配。故选C。


For some people, the light of human attention has an unbearable brilliance. Like ivy along the dim edge of a garden, they prefer the social shadows, shunning parties, publicity and fame of any sort. Then there are the flowers of the human arboretum. For them, being in the view of others seems necessary for life itself. From Hollywood to fabricated prime-time reality, this spotlight-dependent species is thriving.
But what about the individuals who crave attention for more desperate reasons Those who resort to unusual ways to get it Lately, it seems, a dark bloom of these characters has emerged. For motives known only to themselves, they have won notoriety by drawing on an almost sacred well of social status: victim hood.
In early April, US national news outlets tracked the disappearance of Audrey Seiler, a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Police and hundreds of concerned citizens searched for four days before Seiler was discovered. Seiler said she was kidnapped. Within hours, however, her story fell apart. Police announced that her abduction had been a hoax. Why would a popular student make herself disappear Her motive remains a mystery, but perhaps it had something to do with the search parties and the news bulletins that surrounded her.
Sympathy is a powerful sentiment that can connect complete strangers. But if it’s used to manipulate, the backlash can be much more intense.
In February, a Waterbury, Connecticut, man was arrested as a result of exploiting sympathy. Edward Valentin told reporters that he had received word that his wife, serving in Iraq, had been killed in an explosion. Police said Valentin admitted the fabrication, reasoning that if people felt sorry for him maybe the military would send his wife home. Evidence, however, points elsewhere.
In its extreme form, such a craving shows up in mental disorders, where sufferers may seek attention by causing themselves harm. But even when it comes with no diagnosis, a deep craving to be noticed can have a wide impact.
For these individuals, victim hood represents a "pure state of guilt-free entitlement," said psychologist Richard Levak, of Del Mar, California. "They go from being utterly deprived to being utterly indulged. In today’s world ... people have become more depressed and disconnected from each other. So you get people who crave affection and attention and approval. They don’t know how to ask for it and they don’t know how to get it. That leaves them vulnerable," Levak said.

The word "notoriety" underlined in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.




