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在指定文件夹下打开文档WT06.DOC,其内容如下: 【文档开始】 IPOD简介 什么是IPODIPOD是APPLE推出的一种大容量MP3播放器,采用Toshiba出品的1.8英寸盘片硬盘作为存储介质,高达10~40GB的容量,可存放2500~10000首CD质量的MP3音乐。 除了MP3播放,IPOD还可以作为高速移动硬盘使用,可以显示联系人、日历和任务,以及阅读纯文本电子书和聆听Audible的有声电子书。 IPOD还有完善的管理程序和创新的操作方式,外观也独具创意,是APPLE少数能横跨PC和 Mac平台的硬件产品之一。 【文档结束】 按照要求完成下列操作。 (1)将文中所有“IPOD”替换为“iPod”:将标题段(“ipod简介”)设置为二号蓝色黑体,居中;并将正文第二段文字(“除了MP3……电子书。”)移至第三段文字(“IPOD……硬件产品之一。”)之后。 (2)将正文各段文字设置为小五号宋体:各段落左右各缩进0.6厘米,段前间距15磅。 (3)正文第一段(“什么是ipod……MP3音乐。”)首字下沉两行,距正文0.2厘米;正文后两段添加项目符号◆;并以WD06A.DOC为名保存文档。2.在指定文件夹中新建文档WD06B.DOC,并按照要求完成下列操作。 (1)制作一个4行4列的表格,表格列宽2.5厘米,行高22磅;在第1行第1列单元格中添加一对角线,将第2、3行的第4列单元格均匀拆分为两列,将第3行的第1、2列单元格合并。 (2)设置表格外框线为蓝色单实线1.5磅,内框线为绿色单实线0.5磅;表格第1行添加黄色底纹;并以WD06B.DOC为名保存文档。制作的表格效果如下:



解析:1.①在考生文件夹下打开WT06.DOC文档。 ②执行[编辑]→[替换]菜单命令,弹出“查找和替换”对话框。在“查找内容”文本框中输入“IPOD”,然后在“替换为”文本框中输入“iPod”,单击“全部替换”按钮。 ③选中标题文字,在“格式”工具栏中,“字体”选择“黑体”,“字号”选择“二号”,单击“居中”按钮。 ④选中正文第二段文字,按快捷键<Ctrl+X>键,然后将插入符置于第三段末,按<Enter>键后,再按快捷键<Ctrl+V>。 ⑤选中正文各段文字,在“格式”工具栏中,“字体”选择“宋体”,“字号”选择“小五”.执行[格式]→[段落]菜单命令,弹出“段落”对话框。在“缩进和间距”选项卡中,“缩进”区域中,“左”、“右”分别输入“0.6厘米”和“0.6厘米”,在“间距”区域中,“段前”输入“15磅”,单击“确定”按钮。 ⑥选中正文第一段文字,执行[格式]→[首字下沉]菜单俞令,弹出“首宇下沉”对话框,“位置”区域中选择“下沉”,“下沉行数”选择“2”,“距正文”输入“0.2厘米”,单击“确定”撞钮。 ⑦选中正文后两段,执行[格式]→[项目符号和边框]菜单命令,弹出“项目符号和边框”对话框,在“项目符号”选项卡中,选中第四个项目符号,单击“确定”按钮。 ⑧设置完成后,执行[文件]→[另存为]菜单命令,弹出“另存为”对话框。文件名命名为“WD06A”,输入保存的地址,单击“保存”按钮。2.①在考生文件夹下新建文档WD06B.DOC。 ②打开新建文档,执行[表格]→[插入]→[表格]菜单命令,弹出“插入表格”对话框。在“表格尺寸”区域中,“列数”选择“4”,“行数”选择“4”,单击“确定”按钮。 ③选中表格,执行[表格]→[表格属性]菜单命令,弹出“表格属性”对话框。在“行”选项卡下,“尺寸”区域中,“指定高度”输入“22磅”,在“列”选项卡下,“尺寸”区域中,“指定宽度”输入“2.5厘米”,单击“确定”按钮。 ④将插入符置于第1行第1列单元格中,执行[表格]→[绘制斜线表头]菜单命令,弹出“插入斜线表头”对话框,在“表头设置”区域中,“表头样式”选择“样式一”,单击“确定”按钮。 ⑤选中表格第2、3行的第4列单元格,执行[表格]→[拆分单元格]菜单命令,弹出“拆分单元格”对话框。“列数”选择“2”,单击“确定”按钮;然后选中表格第3行的第1、2列单元格,执行[表格]→[合并单元格]菜单命令。 ⑥选中表格,在“表格和边框”工具栏中进行如下设置:①“线型”选择“实线”,“颜色”选择“蓝色”,“粗细”选择“1.5磅”,选择“外部框线”;②“粗细”选择“0.5磅”,“颜色”选择“绿色”,选择“内部框线”。 ⑦选中表格第1行,在“表格和边框”工具栏中,“底纹颜色”选择“黄色”。 ⑧设置完成后,单击“常用”工具栏中的“保存”核钮。


Many people often say there is more stress in today's society than in years past. In fact, these people are comparing our lives with that of the cave man, who didn't have to worry about the stock market or the atomic bomb. They forget that the cave man worried about being eaten by a hear while he was asleep, or about dying of hunger--things that few people worry much about today.

Actually stress is a normal state of affairs, and it's important that people understand what they are talking about when they speak about stress. Whenever anyone experiences something unpleasant, for lack of a better word they say they are under stress. Yet there is such a thing as pleasant stress--as in the case of the Olympic winner at the moment of his glory, or a conductor as his orchestra performs particularly well. They are just sending out excitement, and they are giving off all the stress hormones exactly the same as if they were in low spirits or had just heard of a death in the family. We call the pleasant or healthy kind "eustress” and the unpleasant or unhealthy kind "distress".

Then how can people deal with stress? The secret is not to avoid it but to "do your own thing". It implies doing what you like to do and what you are made to do at your own speed. For most people, it is really a matter of learning how to live and how to behave in various situations, to decide: “Do I really want to take my father's business or be a musician?” If you really want to be a musician, then be one.

64. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A. Modern people experiences more stress than the cave man.

B. The cave man experienced more stress than modern people.

C. People don't suffer more stress today; it's just that they think they do.

D. Modern people have the same worries as the cave man did.

65. In which of the following situations will you feel "eustress"?

A. Your favorite football team has lost an important game.

B. You have failed an important examination.

C. You are informed of an accident of your best friend.

D. You have won the first prize in an English competition.

66 The purpose of writing the passage is to let us know _________________________.

A. stress does not necessarily refer to unpleasant experience

B. distress is what people call the pleasant kind of stress

C. an Olympic winner feels the same stress as one who loses a family member

D. people will feel eustress and distress at the same time

67. According to the passage, how can people deal with stress?

A. Do things that you really want to do.    B. Do whatever you're expected to do.

C. Try to do things successfully.          D. Refuse to do whatever you're told to.