问题 不定项选择 案例分析题

一般资料:求助者,女性,32岁,大学教师。 案例介绍:求助者聪明漂亮,科研能力强,工作勤奋,人际关系好,深受领导和同事的好评。求助者与丈夫是大学同学,夫妻感情融洽。一年前,求助者生下女儿,求助者的母亲前来照顾,一家其乐融融。半年前,在单位的职称评定过程中,求助者因生孩子休产假,导致其与同事相比,在工作量和科研成果方面没有优势,而未评上副教授职称。这件事让求助者觉得自己的能力和努力没有得到领导和同事的肯定,心里很不是滋味。近三个月来,求助者心里烦躁,并且看什么都不顺眼,认为丈夫不理解她,经常和丈夫吵架,对母亲乱发脾气,乱扔家里的东西,甚至对女儿也疏于照顾。求助者以前经常召集同学聚会,现在却常找各种理由回避聚会,工作效率也明显降低。求助者因最近出现胸闷、头晕、食欲下降、全身乏力、入睡困难等症状,而主动前来咨询。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者自幼学习成绩优异,个性好强,追求完美。







参考答案:B, C, D

     In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New
York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was__1__. Even so,
Roebling could not__2__the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he__3__convince his son
Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their__4__and
began to build their dream bridge.
     Only a few months__5__the project was underway, a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling
and__6__injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or__7__. Surely now the
project would have to be__8__. Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not__9__
and his mind remained as__10__as it was before the accident.Suddenly an idea__11__him. All he could
move was one finger, so he__12__the arm of his wife with that finger, __13__to her that he wanted her
to call the engineers again.Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to
do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his__14__with one finger until the bridge was__15__
     Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that__16__a terrible physical
disability and achieves an impossible__17__. Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our
problems seem very small__18__what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that
even the most__19__dream can be realized with__20__no matter what the chances are.
( )1. A. impossible    
( )2. A. recognize      
( )3. A. attempted to  
( )4. A. family      
( )5. A. since        
( )6. A. severely      
( )7. A. work          
( )8. A. continued      
( )9. A. defeated      
( )10.  A. sharp        
( )11.  A. beat        
( )12.  A. waved        
( )13.  A. appealing    
( )14.  A. orders      
( )15.  A. quickly      
( )16.  A. overcomes    
( )17.  A. award        
( )18.  A. combined with
( )19.  A. primary      
( )20.  A. determination
B. unnecessary    
B. accept        
B. sought to      
B. crew          
B. before        
B. slightly      
B. say            
B. abandoned      
B. hurt          
B. broad          
B. occurred      
B. felt          
B. speaking      
B. instructions  
B. partly        
B. acquires      
B. fortune        
B. separated from
B. distant        
B. knowledge      
C. hard        
C. ignore      
C. failed to  
C. class      
C. after      
C. poorly      
C. eat        
C. interrupted
C. frightened  
C. noble      
C. happened    
C. touched    
C. indicating  
C. suggestions
C. eventually  
C. fights      
C. status      
C. compared to
C. lifelong    
C. confidence  
D. excellent      
D. believe        
D. managed to      
D. team            
D. when            
D. hardly          
D. talk            
D. accomplished    
D. destroyed      
D. advanced        
D. hit            
D. held            
D. advising        
D. movements      
D. slowly          
D. removes        
D. goal            
D. concerned about
D. good            
D. strength        