问题 问答题

某机电产品国际招标项目共有A、B、C、D 4个投标人投标,于2009年8月5日(星期三)开标,开标后随即进入评标程序,评标委员会由招标人代表1人、招标机构代表1人和从中国国际招标网专家库随机抽取的专家4人组成。抽取的4名专家中,有1人是国家级专家,曾参与审核该项目招标文件,对该项目比较熟悉;另外3人是同一大学的教师,没有接触过本项目。评标结果推荐了投标人A中标,并与8月7日~14日进行了评标结果公示。投标人B、C、D先后向相应的招标投标主管部门提出质疑,具体情况如下:










(2)4名专家中的国家级专家,曾参与审核该项目招标文件,不可以参加评标工作。 评标结果公示时间符合机电产品国际招标的相关规定。



[理由] 应由投标人法定代表人或法定代表人的授权人签字或签章的《评标结果质疑表》及相关资料送达相应的主管部门方为有效。

(2)投标人C的质疑无效。 [理由] 提出质疑的内容不符合相关规定。

(3)投标人D的质疑无效。 [理由] 质疑文件应在公示期内及结束后3日内送达招标投标主管部门。

     A hungry wolf was walking in the forest, looking for something to eat. Then he met a dog. "Ah, Cousin," said the dog, "You look so tired. What's the    1   ?"
      "Well, I haven't eaten    2    for a few days. I'm quite hungry now," the poor wolf answered. "Tell me why you are so cheerful?" "It seems that you're not living a very good life. Why not live    3    me, and get your food on time?"
     "I don't know if I can get that kind of     4   ," the wolf said in a low voice.
     "I can easily help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master and you shall    5    both my work and my food."
     Then the wolf and the dog went towards the town together. On their way to the town, the wolf saw that there was    6    hair around the dog's neck, so he asked him what the reason was.
     "Oh, that's nothing," said the dog. "My master    7    a rope (绳子) around my neck."
      "   8    does he do that?" asked the wolf.
     "To make me stay near the door."
     "Are you    9    ?" the wolf asked again.
      "It hurt at the beginning, but I'm used to it now."
      "Is that all?" said the wolf. "Well, I should    10    about whether or not to go with you."
(     )1. A. program   
(     )2. A. something 
(     )3. A. to        
( )4. A. goal      
(     )5. A. save      
(     )6. A. much      
(     )7. A. checks    
(     )8. A. Where     
(     )9. A. comfortable
( )10. A. care     
B. function  
B. anything
B. with      
B. chance               
B. create  
B. many       
B. ties    
B. What       
B. lucky    
B. talk   
C. matter   
C. nothing  
C. for       
C. course    
C. order                
C. little    
C. passes    
C. Why       
C. healthy   
C. worry  
D. answer       
D. everything 
D. to           
D. topic        
D. share        
D. some              
D. orders    
D. How           
D. surprised   
D. think     