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Passage 2 当年为了实现乌拉圭回合,各个成员费了很大劲儿,但事后的结果并不乐观,世界经济更不平衡,两极分化越加严重。面对这一现象,发展中国家不能容忍,发达国家也感到了危机。正因为如此,大家才把多哈回合定为发展回合。这是WTO历史上巨大的进步,也是各个成员富有远见的选择。果能如此,不论富国还是穷国,都会因为生活在一个更加和谐的世界而获得持久发展的环境。// 中国支持多哈回合达成平衡的协议,但所谓平衡,不是发达国家各自在谈判中有得有失的自我平衡,而必须是有助于发展中成员的全面平衡。因为事实上,发达国家和发展中国家的总体水平已经很不平衡了,这种失衡已严重影响到世界经济的全面发展。要找回平衡,只有发达国家为本轮谈判做出更多的贡献,为发展中国家提供足够的政策空间。// 农业是多哈谈判的核心。发达国家和发展中国家都面临压力,但富国和穷国的压力是不同的。在全球26亿农民中,发展中国家有25亿,而且大多数处在贫困状态。即使发展中国家有雄心、有诚意去推进贸易自由化,也不能不顾及几千万甚至几亿农民的基本生计。如果让那些已处于贫困线上的农民遭受更大的冲击,将引发灾难,届时发达国家也不得安宁。//



解析:During the Uruguay Round, GATT Members had worked very hard to bring it to a conclusion. However, the outcome of that Round turned out to be somewhat disappointing, in the sense that the imbalance in the world economy became more acute, and the problem of polarization was getting increasingly serious. As a result, developing countries took these as something unbearable, and the developed ones also felt the urgency of making a change. This is perhaps the primary reason why the current Doha round is named "Doha Development Agenda". This represents a major step forward in the history of the WTO. This is also a wise and visionary choice by the WTO Members. If the objectives of development can be realized through this Round, then countries, no matter rich or poor, would benefit from an environment favorable to sustainable development for co-existing in a world of greater harmony.// China would support a balanced outcome of the Doha Round. To us, it does not mean a self-balance through trade-off between the offensive and defensive interests of a particular developed country itself. Rather, it must be conducive to the achievement of overall balance for developing countries as a whole. As a matter of fact, there already exists a serious imbalance in terms of the general levels of development between the rich nations and the poor ones, with negative impact on the overall economic development of the whole world. To redress this imbalance, developed countries must do more in this Round and must be willing to consider offering sufficient policy space for developing countries.// Agriculture is the centerpiece of the Doha Round negotiations. Although both developed and developing countries are faced with pressures, the nature of their difficulties is very different. Of the 2.6 billion farming population in the world, 2.5 billion reside in the developing countries, and the majority of them are living below poverty lines. Even if some developing countries were willing to embark on the road of trade liberalization, they would have to take into account the basic livelihood of millions or even billions of their farmers. To expose those poor farmers to further external shocks could trigger disastrous consequences. Should such scenario occur, the lifestyle of the rich countries would be endangered, too.//
