问题 单项选择题

某基坑开挖深度为8.0m,其基坑形状及场地土层如下图所示,基坑周边无重要构筑物及管线。粉细砂层渗透系数为1.5×10-2cm/s,在水位观测孔中测得该层地下水水位埋深为0.5m。为确保基坑开挖过程中不致发生突涌,拟采用完整井降水措施(降水井管井过滤器半径设计为0.15m,过滤器长度与含水层厚度一致),将地下水水位降至基坑开挖面以下0.5m,试问,根据《建筑基坑支护技术规程》JGJ 120—99估算本基坑降水时至少需要布置的降水井数量(口)为下列何项 ()



















q=120π γsl








Watch a baby between six and nine months old, and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned. Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it reached out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to have been born. Nature having done very well by the child to this point, having permitted it the luxury of thinking for itself for eighteen months, now abandons it to the arbitrary conventions and beliefs of society. But at least the child knows something of geometry and numbers, and it will always retain some memory of the early happy days, no matter what vicissitudes it may suffer later on. The main reservoir of mathematical talent in any society is thus possessed by children who are about two years old, children who have just learned to speak fluently.

Which of the following activities would teach a baby about geometry().

A. Picking up language.

B. Communicating with others.

C. Recognizing numbers.

D. Catching different objects.