问题 单项选择题

Passage Two

The German court is facing a legal dilemma because the law hasn’t stipulated the punishment of ______.


B.unemployed people in Germany

C.throwing yellow tomatoes

D.throwing yellow tomatoes for a joke



解析:[听力原文] 26-30 The mushy remains of a tomato thrown at a prominent member of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s Social Democrats has posed a legal dilemma for authorities trying to assess how to punish the thrower. Police investigating the fruit, thrown by an unemployed protestor at the premier of the state of Brandenburg, said they have concluded it was a yellow tomato. Had it been a soft red one, the man would have faced a lesser charge of causing malicious damage. A harder, green tomato could carry the tougher charge of bodily harm, A yellow one is somewhere in between. "In these types of cases it has to do with the consistency of the fruit," said a spokeswoman for the court in the eastern city of Cottbus. No decision on the charge has yet been reached. Social democratic politicians have been facing the wrath of the public in recent months, especially in the economically depressed east where many people face painful jobless benefit cuts from January 2005. Tens of thousands have joined protests in the last six weeks and Schroeder himself has been pelted with eggs, none of which hit their mark.

[分析]: 事实细节的找寻和判断。 原文提到德国法庭在审判投掷番茄事件时面临窘境,然后具体说明原因,因为用来砸人的是黄色番茄,而法律对红色的软番茄和绿色的硬番茄掷人均有明确惩罚规定,但对介于两色间的黄色番茄掷人没有明文处罚规定,只是说其处罚按番茄硬度应处于红绿两者处罚之间,因此No decision on the charge has yet been reached。由此可见,C项内容与原文含义相符,因此是正确答案。[解题关键] 通过上下文语义进行合理推断。本题原文并未明确说明。
