问题 问答题

韩某与王某、邹某、方某系某市锅炉厂技术科职工。1996年,他们组成了锅炉厂技术科学小组(以下简称小组)。 1997年6月,中华全国总工会和《工人日报》社联合举办“全国职工法律知识竞赛”,规定个人与集体均可报名参加,该市也设有报名点与竞赛点。王某、邹 某、方某以个人名义报名参加初赛,同时小组也作为一个集体报名参加了初赛(署名为“技术科”),试卷的答题则由韩某负责。不久,初赛成绩揭晓,署名“技术 科”的答卷获得89.7分,技术科获得参加复赛的资格,大赛组织者颁发的准考证上也注明参赛者为技术科。  1997年8月,韩某代表技术科参加复 赛,获得83分,初赛与复赛平均为86.35分,该赛点将其评为该赛点“全国一级个人优秀奖”。《工人日报》、该市日报等报纸报道时均称获一级个人优秀奖 的是小组。10月,“全国职工法律知识竞赛获奖荣誉证书”由全国组委会统一下发,该市赛点领导小组在具体负责填写获得者姓名时却填写了韩某个人的姓名。事 后,荣誉证书及奖品均由韩某个人占有。  王某、邹某、方某等人认为:荣誉应归于小组,而不应归于韩某一个人所有,韩某的行为实际上是侵犯了他们的荣誉权。在与韩某协商无效后,他们诉至法院。  问:韩某独占荣誉证书和奖品的行为是否侵犯小组其他成员的荣誉权


参考答案:答:《民法通则》第102条规定:“公民、法人享有荣誉权,禁止非法剥夺公民、法人的荣誉称号。”可见,我国法律是明确保护公民、法人的荣誉权的。所谓荣誉权,是指公民、法人依法享有的,保护自己所得的嘉奖、光荣称号等荣誉,并不受侵害和非法剥夺的权利。  与姓名权、肖像权、名誉权等不同,荣誉权属于一种身份权,而姓名权是一种人格权(身份权与人格权合称为“人身权”)。这两种权利主要有以下差异:  (1)每一个公民都享有平等的人格权,但是身份权则不一定是每个公民都能享有的,如荣誉权就只有在某一社会活动中成绩卓越和贡献突出的公民获得了某种荣誉以后才能享有。  (2)公民的人格权因出生而当然取得,但公民的身份权则依赖于公民作出一定行为、取得一定社会身份以后才能享有,如荣誉权必须是在公民做出了卓越成绩和突出贡献后才能享有。  (3)人格权不可以被剥夺,而身份权在特定情况下可以被依法剥夺,如军人的军功章在一定情况下可以被军事法庭依法剥夺。  总之,荣誉权是为我国法律所保护的一种身份权。  关 于本案该荣誉应归属于小组,而不应归属于韩某一人。原因在于:取得复赛资格的是“技术科”,大赛组织者颁发的复赛准考证上也注明参加复赛者为“技术科”, 而且自始至终韩某只是代表“技术科”,以“技术科”的名义参赛(包括初赛与复赛),不是以自己的名义参赛,既然如此,获得的荣誉就只能由“技术科”享有, 而“技术科”又是小组报名时的署名,所以荣誉应归属于小组。大赛组织者将获奖者填写为韩某个人是没有弄清事实真相,是不正确的。韩某一人独占荣誉证书与奖 品,侵犯了他人的荣誉权,是非法的行为。

     On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success
, who was going to deliver a speech on his new book.
     During his talk, Jack  1  his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, ''Who wants this?"   2  
shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would   3  . But I jumped up, ran up
the  4  to the stage, and grabbed the bill. As I was launching myself in the air,   5  raced through my
mind- was I about to be humiliated (羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they   6   security guards and
take me from the stage?   7   my desire for bold (大胆的)action was louder than any  8  voice. As I got
the bill from his hand, he said, "That's it! We can't wait for the   9  to come to us. We must take   10  to
create what we want!''
     After his talk, I   11   to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his personal e-mail address. Over
the next months, I sent him emails   12   my points of view and dreams with him. He kindly e-mailed back
lots of encouragement. But my life got busy   13  other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.
     A year later, my dreams had worn away. I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant arrow
that would show me the way.
     I e-mailed him, and then again - but got no   14  . As I sat down at my computer to  15  my e-mails, I
   16   woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd, most likely   17   that
hundred-dollar bill, while they sat glued to their chairs.
     Usually we all have a "Jack" for whom we wait - whether it's a person, a place or a thing. We   18  
believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n)   19   way. So we
don't try. We  20  . But as Wayne Gretzky said,"You'll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don't
take!" So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.
     Now what are you waiting for?
( )1. A. brought in    
( )2. A. Cheers        
( )3. A. offer          
( )4. A. path          
( )5. A. thoughts      
( )6. A. ask            
( )7. A. And            
( )8. A. noisy          
( )9. A. opportunities  
( )10. A. step          
( )11. A. expected      
( )12. A. stating      
( )13. A. with          
( )14. A. news          
( )15. A. check        
( )16. A. gradually    
( )17. A. desiring      
( )18. A. particularly  
( )19. A. difficult    
( )20. A. give up      
B. reached for
B. Shouts      
B. trust      
B. road        
B. opinions    
B. call        
B. So          
B. doubtful    
B. consequences
B. measure    
B. tried      
B. describing  
B. in          
B. message    
B. examine    
B. suddenly    
B. claiming    
B. honestly    
B. impressive  
B. put up      
C. took over    
C. Heads        
C. like        
C. steps        
C. ideas        
C. demand      
C. But          
C. meaningful  
C. results      
C. way          
C. permitted    
C. presenting  
C. about        
C. response    
C. inspect      
C. immediately  
C. begging      
C. falsely      
C. early        
C. take up      
D. handed in  
D. Hands      
D. choose      
D. route      
D. plans      
D. order      
D. Or          
D. helpful    
D. aims        
D. action      
D. managed    
D. sharing    
D. over        
D. reaction    
D. review      
D. slowly      
D. dreaming    
D. correctly  
D. natural    
D. set up