转变城乡二元结构是解决“三农”问题的重点和关键。( )
解析: 统筹城乡发展,彻底破除二元社会结构,是解决“三农”问题的根本途径。
2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。
It was Sunday yesterday. But Sally and I decided to visit the Xi’an Zoo, where is only four kilometres from our school. At nine in the morning, we waited the bus at the bus stop. After 15 minutes or so, we got on the No. 10 bus excited. On arrival, we find the zoo crowding with people, students, workers , villagers and so on. Most of them was young parents with his children. There were many kinds of animals in the zoo. They were elephants, bears, lions, monkeys and the beautiful birds. Children liked the monkeys very much. At 12 o’clock, we returned back home. What good time we had at the zoo!
下列问题。(10 分)
⑴我国水土流失重点区水土流失严重的共同原因是_____ 、_____ 。(2 分)
a. 位于地势二、三级阶梯的交界处
b. 气温年较差大
c. 降水集中
d. 植被破坏严重
⑵以流水作用为主的侵蚀区界线以西的主要外力作用是_____ 。(1 分)
⑶对减轻长江、黄河中下游地区旱涝灾害都有重要意义的生态安全战略工程是_____ 、_____ (填图中代号)。①工程所在区域的主要生态环境问题是_____ 。(3 分)
⑷分别从地形和气候两方面比较分析①、④建设防护林的条件。 (4 分)