问题 问答题

紧张的期末复习课上,我在黑板上写下了当天的复习专题——扩词。教室里一下子炸开了锅。根据以往的经验,这种题型是同学们喜闻乐见的,它启迪思维,活跃气氛,更有少数同学认为这是一个表现自己阅读面的极好机会。我将第一个字“抢”写在黑板的一边,请同学们组词。第一个同学说:“抢亲”。同学们哄堂大笑,我也跟着笑了。第二个说:“抢劫”。又一个说:“烧杀抢掠”。答案是我始料不及的。我心疼地望着同学们,心想:孩子们是受第一个同学的影响形成思维定势,还是崇尚暴力于是,我问:“同学们,你们热爱生命、热爱家乡吗”“热爱!”同学们不约而同地回答。“在我们的生活中,你一定见到过这样的情景:炎热的夏天,一位骑车的老人突然晕倒,几个路人连忙把他送到医院治疗,老人转危为安;场院上晒着许多稻谷,突然狂风大作,乌云翻滚,眼看一场大雨就要来临,主人急得手忙脚乱,这时来了一群手拿工具的邻居,解决了燃眉之急。路人、邻居的行为美吗”“美!”同学们的声音明显地亢奋。“今年梅雨季节,雨量很大,河水猛涨,许多地方汪洋一片,堤坝随时都可能出现崩塌的危险。是政府组织干部和群众日夜值班,奋力排水,使我们的家园化险为夷。他们这种行为高尚吗”“高尚!”教室里的声音比前一次更高昂了。 我抑制不住内心的激动,转身在黑板上写下了大大的几组词——抢时间、抢救、抢收、抢修、抢险……几秒钟后,教室里响起了雷鸣般的掌声。看着若有所悟的孩子们,我笑了——为我又长大了许多的学生们。根据上述材料,回答下列问题:在这个教学片断中,教师“我”的教学突出体现了哪一个教学原则为什么试结合材料阐述贯彻该教学原则的基本要求。



     The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did 15 years
ago, which reminded me of my girlhood.
     It was my second day of   1  and it was raining heavily. I could not   2  the habit I had at home , so
I fell asleep right at my   3  . I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dad's back.
We were   4  home. It was the last time I felt   5  to him.
     After that, he never carried me or hugged me as other fathers did to their children. I was not
bothered much by this   6  . I was proud of it, for I felt   7 and "grown up." However, there were times
when I felt depressed by not having sought   8  from him.
    One day, I was writing Chinese characters as homework. I hated doing this more than anything. Dad
came and stood behind me for a moment,   9  me scratching (乱涂,勾抹) the paper. Then he said, "This
kind of writing needs  10  .Your writing is not strong enough. Press harder."
     I follow his   11  for the next two words, but  12  I could see little improvement, I followed my own
method the   13  way. His advice did not improve my writing but our   14  . As I grew older, I found out
that he had finished his   15  in Grade 6, which was the highest grade in town then, so he was considered
to be a   16  . People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls, but he never felt very useful.
     He often said to me, "As you can see, this family is going to depend on you. We are   17  to improve
you anything for your future .You have to get   18  to change the life for yourself."
     As a result of his  19  , I have   20  it through high school and through college.
( )1. A. graduation  
( )2. A. from      
( )3. A. dormitory  
( )4. A. at      
( )5. A. close    
( )6. A. gap      
( )7. A. lonely    
( )8. A. comfort    
( )9. A. helping    
( )10. A. skill    
( )11. A. introduction
( )12. A. even if    
( )13. A. difficult  
( )14. A. relationship
( )15. A. schooling  
( )16. A. writer  
( )17. A. tired    
( )18. A. an education
( )19. A. help    
( )20. A. succeeded  
B. employment    
B. resist    
B. door      
B. already    
B. near      
B. thought    
B. depressed    
B. help      
B. directing    
B. patience    
B. manner      
B. while    
B. slow      
B. friendship    
B. life      
B. scholar    
B. glad      
B. a rich boyfriend
B. expectations  
B. got      
C. college  
C. follow    
C. desk    
C. beyond    
C. happy    
C. action    
C. independent  
C. support  
C. watching  
C. time    
C. spirit  
C. as      
C. efficient  
C. thought  
C. hope    
C. scientist  
C. useless  
C. a well-paid job
C. examination
C. made    
D. school              
D. break              
D. bed                
D. halfway            
D. relaxed            
D. accident            
D. explanation        
D. blaming            
D. practice            
D. advice              
D. though              
D. fast                
D. life                
D. expectation        
D. specialist          
D. ready              
D. a good writing      
D. watch              
D. found