问题 多项选择题

证券公司应当在每一月份结束后10个工作日内,向证监会、注册地证监会派出机构和证券交易所书面报告的当月情况有( )。









     Sometimes you make a wish, but when it comes, you decide you don't want it. That's what happened with

Micky's "birthday wish".

     Our family tradition is that you make a wish before you blow out the birthday candle. After he blew out the

candle, Micky told us that his wish was to win a prize in the Pine Ridge-match. We quickly told Micky, "If you

tell people your wish, your wish won't come true." So we lit the candle again, and he made another wish. Micky

and Paul were both supposed to start playing at 5:30.

     When Micky reported to the check-in table, the game organizers told him his opponent (对手) had phoned

and said he was coming late. The officials told Micky he could choose not to play and be declared the victor of

the first round of competition.

     But Micky said he didn't want to win by not playing. He wanted the experience of playing a great player.

Finally, the beast showed up. He was tall, smiling and relaxed. His serve (发球) was like lightning.  

     Micky had some good returns, but he lost quickly, 6-1, 6-0.

     We congratulated Micky on having some good returns and a few great serves. And we noted that he had

won the first game.

     "I didn't win that game," Micky said. "I think he just gave it to me at the beginning because he arrived late."

     "It was a birthday present." I said, smiling.

     "No, I refused my birthday present," Micky said. In his eyes, his "birthday present" had been the chance to

win by his opponent's being late.

     Micky ended up winning the "consolation prize (鼓励奖)" a small prize that we didn't know existed until

Micky earned it by being undefeated in the consolation bracket (档次).

     We'll' never know what Micky's second wish was-the wish he didn't share with us.

     It seems to me that no matter how many birthdays you celebrate, as long as you enjoy challenges, you will

never be "old".

1. What kind of person is Micky? [ ]

A. A person who always gives up.

B. A person who is afraid of challenges.

C. One who enjoys challenges.

D. One who is selfish.

2. Why did Micky lose the match?[ ]

A. Because he gave up a good chance.

B. Because he let the others know his birthday wish.

C. Because he was proud of himself.

D. Because his opponent played much better than him

3. The prize Micky won was _____. [ ]

A. one he had expected

B. not a well-known one

C. a famous one

D. one he thought meaningless

4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _____. [ ]

A. enjoying challenges is helpful for one to keep "young"

B. one will become old as he celebrates his birthdays

C. one will stay young by continuously celebrating his birthdays

D. challenges can make one never get old