China National Cereals,Oils & Foodstuffs Import and Export Corparation,Shenzhen Branch,hereinafter called the (81) ,agree to sell and China Native Products INC,Los Angels,California, (82) ,hereinafter called the Buyers,agree to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83) : 1.Name of Commodity &Specifications:ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber50 tins*200 grams 2.Quantity and Weight:100 Cartons/1000kg 3. (84) price:C & F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco US$20.00 Per carton 4.Amount:US$2000.00 5.Time of Shipment:During Oct./Nov.,2009 6. (85) :In Cartons 7.Marks & No.:ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber No.1-100 8.Loading (86) and Destination:From Shenzhen,China to Los Angeles Or San Francisco 9.Insurance:To be (87) by the Buyers 10.Terms of Payment:To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88) ,for the total value of goods in US$2000.00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellers’ s option,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides. 11.Inspection:Certificate of quality & weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall beprovided to the Buyers.The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final. |
B.Bill of Lading
C.Letter of Credit
D.Packing List
解析: 支付方式采用不可撤销信用证。