问题 单项选择题 B型题









     Many people like to search the Internet. Exploring the Internet is one of the most important activities of the
day. The Internet brings the outside world closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than
before because of the Internet.
     What's going on in other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's the life like in the deepest part of the sea? If you want to answer all these questions just come to
the Internet. Of course people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with the Internet they
can learn better and more easily. A lot of information (信息) can be collected at a great speed.
     Can we go shopping without leaving home? Can we see a doctor without going to the hospital? Can we study without going to school? Can we draw money without going to a bank? All these things seemed to be impossible but now they have become quite possible. The Internet helps us open our eyes. The Internet also helps us open
our minds. The Internet often gives us new ideas. In a word it helps us in many ways. Great changes have taken place in our life since the use of the Internet.
1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because           .
[ ]
A. all people like to search the Internet
B. the Internet makes the earth smaller in size
C. the Internet brings the outside world closer to them
D. exploring the Internet is one of the most important activities of the day
2. The sentence "the Internet also helps us open our minds" means          
[ ]
A. the Internet is new to us
B. something is wrong with our minds
C. our minds can be opened only by the Internet
D. we can learn more with the help of the Internet
3. We can not through the Internet ______.
[ ]
A. know a good sports match somewhere
B. cook the meals
C. know a lot of information
D. see a doctor and study all kinds of subjects
4. This passage has told us          
[ ]
A. it's helpful to explore the Internet
B. not to explore the Internet any more
C. to stop reading to explore the Internet
D. students should not explore the Internet at any time
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?
[ ]
A. The Internet can get the information faster than reading.
B. We don't leave home or get the money from the bank by radio.
C. People can learn better and more through the Internet.
D. People always learn a lot of new ideas with the Internet.


材料一 这次卫星发射成阿功,是我国发展空间技术的一个良好开端,是毛 * * 无产阶级革命路线的伟大胜利,是无产阶级 * * 的又一丰硕成果……,中国人民这一伟大胜利,给正在坚持武装斗争的亚、非、拉各国人民和全世界革命人民以巨大的鼓舞,给反革命的美帝国主义和社会帝国主义以沉重的打击,粉碎了他们垄断空间技术的迷梦。 ——据新华社电

材料二 神舟六号尚在太空遨游,很多“搭车”企业就已开始计算收益。航天领域每投入1元钱,将会产生7元到12元的回报。航天,将为国民经济发展带来多大动力……,中国将继续以科学发展观为统领,把经济社会发展转入到以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的轨道上。崇尚科学、爱好和平的中国,一定会和平利用太空资源、让太空真正为人类造福。  ——据新华社电



