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阅读以下文字,完成66——70题  古代书画以纸或绢为载体,因而也被称为“纸绢画”。不同时代的纸绢会自然而然带有该时代造纸或丝织工艺的特点。  绢是一种平纹组织的丝织物,早在原始社会就已出现。最初用生丝织造,质地比较粗疏;通过捶压等整理工序,生绢可以变成密度较大、坚韧挺括、平整均匀的熟绢,这种工艺大概在战国、秦汉时期已经出现于丝织业发达的山东一带。从实物和文献记载看,初唐以前书画都用生绢,经纬间并不十分精密,很难画得精细入微。这种生绢直至晚唐仍在使用,韩愈《桃源图》“生绡数幅垂中堂”中的“生绡”就是生绢。盛唐时期,画家开始使用洁白如银、质地平滑的熟绢,材料加工的进步,为丹青与水墨画风的细密精丽提供了保障。不过以生绢作画仍很流行,张僧繇、阎立本等人的画作都用生绢。  五代绘画用绢极粗,质地如布。宋人绘画用绢分为两种,一种是社会上普通画家所用的质地稀薄的绢,一种是为满足宫廷书画需要而特别制作的“细密如纸”的院绢。宋徽宗《听琴图》用的应该就是院绢,质地细密,灰尘不易沾污,加之保存较好,千年后仍洁白如新。  绢有一定幅宽,这是丝织工艺和政治制度双重因素作用下的结果。从工艺角度而言,古代的绢都是人工织成的,绢的幅宽和织布人的肩宽有密切关系,幅面太宽,投梭织纬就会十分困难。从政治角度而言,绢在古代是一种特殊商品,曾长期作为实物货币使用,西汉之后的历代官府都实行“钱帛兼行”的政策,绢帛不仅可以输纳捐税,还可用以偿付债务、俸禄等,因而要求统一规格和质量。西周时期规定绢帛幅宽为2.2尺,约合现在的43.8厘米,这个标准一直沿用到隋朝,但是由于尺寸变迁,绢的实际幅宽总体上呈逐代增长趋势,最宽时约合65.93厘米。唐、五代基本以1.8尺为官方标准,约合55厘米;宋代以2尺(61.44厘米)为幅宽标准。因为绢的幅面是个常数,作画人可在单幅绢面上绘制小型画;若要创作大型画面,通常采用将两幅或三幅绢面拼接起来的方法获得足够的宽度,比如范宽的《溪山行旅图》和郭熙的《早春图》,都画在两幅拼接起来的绢面上;范宽的《雪景寒林》和李唐的《万壑松风》,则是用三幅绢面拼合而成的。

关于绘画用绢,下列说法与原文相符的是( )。










     Today, more and more people are using credit cards (信用卡) instead of money to buy the things they need.

Almost anyone who has a steady income (收入) and continuous work record can apply for a credit card.

     If you have a credit card, you buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by changing the cost

to your account (帐户). You can pay for purchases a month or two later, without any extra charge. Or you may

choose to spread out your payments over several months and pay only part of the total amount each month. If

you do this, the credit card company of the bank who sponsors the credit card will add a small service charge

to your bill. This is very convenient for customers. With the credit card in your wallet or purse, you don't have

to carry much cash (现金). This saves your trips to the bank to cash checks. Also if you carry credit cards

instead of a lot of cash, you don't have to be concerned about losing your money through carelessness or theft.

     Credit cards are big business. Americans spend $16 billion a year on cards. Credit card companies make a

profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their

charges in monthly installments (注册). However, credit card companies sometimes have problems collecting

overdue payments from unreliable customers if they charge more than they can pay for.

     Yet, in many ways, the big loser in the credit card system is not the credit card company, the store, or the

card user, but rather the general customer. The store makes up for the fees it pays to the credit card company

by increasing prices for goods and services. Stores may have more sales if they accept cards, but the added

cost to the store when credit cards are accepted instead of cash is actually passed on to all consumers in higher

prices. In this way, the cash customer suffers for the convenience the credit card customer enjoys.

1. According to the passage, nearly everyone can apply for(申请) credit cards if he or she can prove to be ____. [ ]

A. a dependable and honest person

B. a person with an income and work experience

C. a person with work experience but no regular income

D. a person with a regular income and an unbroken work record

2. If you are a credit card holder, you don't have to carry _____ on you. [ ]

A. many coins

B. much cash

C. many credits

D. much change

3. We can infer from the passage that _____ suffer most financially from the credit card system.[ ]

A. the shops

B. the card holders

C. the ordinary customers

D. the credit card companies and banks
