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案情:经工商局核准,甲公司取得企业法人营业执照,经营范围为木材切片加工。甲公司与乙公司签订合同,由乙公司供应加工木材1万吨。不久,省林业局致函甲公司,告知按照本省地方性法规的规定,新建木材加工企业必须经省林业局办理木材加工许可证后,方能向工商行政管理部门申请企业登记,违者将受到处罚。1个月后,省林业局以甲公司无证加工木材为由没收其加工的全部木片,并处以30万元罚款。期间,省林业公安局曾传唤甲公司人员李某到公安局询问该公司木材加工情况。甲公司向法院起诉要求撤销省林业局的处罚决定。   因甲公司停产,无法履行与乙公司签订的合同,乙公司要求支付货款并赔偿损失,甲公司表示无力支付和赔偿,乙公司向当地公安局报案。2010年10月8日,公安局以涉嫌诈骗为由将甲公司法定代表人张某刑事拘留,1个月后,张某被批捕。2011年4月1日,检察院以证据不足为由作出不起诉决定,张某被释放。张某遂向乙公司所在地公安局提出国家赔偿请求,公安局以未经确认程序为由拒绝张某请求。张某又向检察院提出赔偿请求,检察院以本案应当适用修正前的《国家赔偿法》,此种情形不属于国家赔偿范围为由拒绝张某请求。   问题:



Turkey’s Bodrum peninsula is different. The tourist boom in this part of the world (1) turned some small villages into resorts yet left neighbouring beaches undisturbed, making it quite (2) southern France or the Spanish Coasts where few stretches of coastline are undevelopeD.
The (3) for this happy set of circumstances is simple. For thousands of years, travel here (4) easier by boat than by lanD.So when mass tourism arrived in the (5) 1980s, there was no coast road for ribbon development to follow. So the peninsula, just (6) hour from Bodrum airport, has not become one long littoral of resort.
The building (7) new hotels has mainly been confined to places easily reached by then relatively (8) roads. Such ease of access has made Gumbet, near Bodrum, a busy resort, while the little fishing village of Gumusluk, 12 miles further west and only recently reachable by (9) , remains tranquil and undisturbeD.
It’s worth thinking carefully about location when planning a family (10) on the peninsulA.Choose a place that is centrally located, preferably out of earshot (11) Bodrum town’s "lively"—which means nosy—nightlife, and you can then use (12) area’s comfortably small scale to your advantage. Today’s new roads mean most places can (13) reached in under an hour by taxi or the ubiquitous dolmus-minibus.
The (14) of facilities at the Tamarisk Beach Hotel near the small village of Ortakent makes (15) a good base. The family-run hotel—rooms and suites are in two-storey buildings (16) by palm trees and flowers in terracotta pots—sits above its own sandy (17) beach, shaded by tamarisk trees and sheltered by nearby islands.
The hotel is (18) child-friendly, too. Children, from infants up to young teenagers, can take part in a (19) of games and activities that include tuition in windsurfing, dinghy (20) catamaran sailing.