问题 单项选择题

某110/10kV变电所,变压器容量为2×25MVA。两台变压器一台工作一台备用。变电所的计算负荷为17000kVA。变压器采用室外布置,10kV设备采用室内布置。变电所所在地海拔为2000m,户外设备运行的环境温度为-25℃~45℃。且冬季时有冰雪天气,在最大运行方式下10kV母线的三相稳态短路电流有效值为20kA(回路的总电阻小于总电抗的三分之一)。请解答下列问题: 110/10kV变压器10kV出线经穿墙套管引入室内。试确定穿墙套管的额定电压、额定电流宜为下列哪组数值?()







单项选择题 A1/A2型题

Social control refers to social processes, planned or unplanned, by which people are taught, persuaded, or forced to conform to norms. In every society, some punishments or negative sanctions are established for deviant behavior. Without deviant behavior there would not be need for social control and without social control there would not be a way of recognizing the boundary between the acceptable and the unacceptable.

Social control may be either formal or informal. Informal mechanisms include expressions of disapproval by significant others and withholding of positive rewards for disapproved behavior. Most people internalize norms in the course of socialization. This is any group’s most powerful protection against deviance, in that the individual’s own conscience operates as an agent of social control. When informal sanctions fail, formal agents of social control may be called upon. In contemporary society, such formal agents and agencies include psychiatry and other mental health professions; mental hospitals; police and courts of law; prisons; and social welfare agencies. All these formal agents function to limit, correct, and control violation of norms. Conflict theorists would also point out that social control agents and systems tend, in any society, to serve the interests of powerful groups and to enforce the norms most beneficial to those who make the rules and who, therefore, define unacceptable behavior.

Social control, whether formal or informal, has a dual function. First, it punishes the wrongdoer and reaff’irms the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Second, and less recognized, it regulates the manner in which deviants are treated.

In the third paragraph, "a dual function" refers to ().

A. formal and informal

B. rewards and penalties

C. approval and disapproval

D. clarification and regulation