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Dear Mr. Know,

          My 13-year-old son was in an accident several days ago. His doctors say he has no chance of

seeing again. I have no experience with the blind (盲的). I want to know how he may behave in the

future. I want to know everything I can to help him. Please help!


Dear Mary, 

          My son, Trey, who is nine years old, also lost his vision (视力) suddenly. I think one of the most

important things for you to do is to find other blind kids of your son’s age in your area. He will need

someone to talk to that understands his situation and can give him some advice. Sometimes, other kids

treat your son differently, and it takes time, experience, and patience to learn the best ways of dealing

with this. But if your son had another successful, blind teenager to talk to, that person could tell him how

they dealt with the same situations. Also, often talk to the doctor so that they can show your son how to

get around safely. Learning to use assistant technology(辅助技术) and Braille(盲人用的点字法) are

also extremely important. Where I live, we have a place called Envision that offers these services. Check

around for something similar in your area. I hope I have been of some  help.                               


1. How old is Mary’s son?

A. 9.     

B. 10.

C. 12.  

D. 13.

2. Mary is worried about ________.

A. why her son will be blind

B. how to help her son  

C. that her son won’t be allowed to go to school

D. how to help the blind in her neighborhood

3. Jack is _______.

A. a doctor  

B. a blind  

C. Mary’s son    

D. Trey’s father

4. How many pieces of advice does Jack give to Mary?

A. One.     

B. Two.  

C. Three.    

D. Four.

5. If you go to Envision, you can ______.       

A. look for blind friends        

B. find many blind children

C. learn to use assistant technology and Braille  

D. get the advice from the doctors



单项选择题 共用题干题

2011年10月15日至18日,中 * * 党十七届六中全会在北京举行。

材料一 新世纪以来,社会主义市场经济深入发展,对加快发展社会主义先进文化提出了新要求。下面是我党对文化产业认识的时间历程:

2011年10月十七届六中全会通过《中 * * 关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》,提出走中国特色的文化发展道路



.材料二 2011年11月3日凌晨,“神舟八号”飞船与“天宫一号”目标飞器交会对接成功,这是中国走向强大的有力标志,是中国人独立自主、勤学苦研、合作奋斗、勇攀高峰的又一历史性成就。但航天器在外太空运行,受大气阻力的影响,轨道会出现衰减,即偏离原轨道,这会影响后续任务。为此,在整个组合体运行期间,将实施两次轨道维持,使其回到预定轨道进行正常工作。

