问题 填空题

Questions 9-13

·You will hear five people talking about "Whether They Write for Themselves or for Their Readers ".
·For questions 9 to 13, choose from the list A to F what each speaker says.
·Use the letters only once. There is one extra letters which you do not need to use.
  • A. It all depends on the type of writing.
  • B. I always write for myself and never care about the readers.
  • C. I definitely write for myself but I try not to cause unnecessary offences.
  • D. I actually write both for myself and for my readers.
  • E. I have no idea at all for whom I write.
  • F. I write mostly for myself and hope for any readership.
    Speaker 1 (/9 )
    Speaker 2 (/10 )
    Speaker 3 (/11 )
    Speaker 4 (/12 )
    Speaker 5 (/13 )



Not actually. Even when I am writing advertising copy, I am writing for myself, in a sense that I derive pleasure for making a well-crafted sentence or clearly stating a thought. But there wouldn’t be much point in writing if someone else isn’t going to read it. So the reader’s view comes into play pretty fast.
