问题 单项选择题

北京A区的甲公司与上海B区的乙公司因合同纠纷诉至法院,A区法院判决乙公司向甲公司赔偿损失20万元。判决生效后,乙公司未自动履行义务,甲公司遂向A区法院申请执行。A区法院立案后委托乙公司住所地的B区法院代为执行。B区法院接到委托执行书后,发现乙公司早已资不抵债,无财产可供执行。对此,下列哪一种处理方法是正确的?( )




解析:[考点] 委托执行
[讲解] 委托执行,是指有管辖权的人民法院遇到特殊情况,依法将应由本法院执行的案件送交有关的法院代为执行。依照有关司法解释的规定,凡需要委托执行的案件,委托法院应在立案后一个月内办妥委托执行手续。超过此期限委托的,应当经对方法院同意。委托法院明知被执行人有下列情形的,应当及时依法裁定中止执行或者终结执行,不得委托当地法院执行:第一,无确切住所,长期下落不明,又无财产可供执行的;第二,有关法院已经受理以被执行人为债务人的破产案件或者已经宣告其破产的。委托执行一般应在同级人民法院之间进行。经对方法院同意的,也可以委托上一级的法院执行。被执行人是军队企业的,可以委托其所在地的军事法院执行。执行标的物是船舶的,可以委托有关海事法院执行。案件委托执行后,未经受托法院同意,委托法院不得自行执行。根据《执行问题规定》第121~122条的规定,受托法院在执行中,认为需要变更被执行人的,应当将有关情况函告委托法院,由委托法院依法决定是否作出变更被执行人的裁定。受托法院认为受托执行的案件应当中止、终结执行的,应提供有关证据材料,函告委托法院作出裁定。受托法院提供的证据材料确实、充分的,委托法院应当及时作出中止或者终结执行的裁定。


Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Illegal hunting has caused a decrease in the number of sea turtles.

B. Most turtles are eaten by Mexicans and Mexican Americans.

C. A campaign to protect sea turtles.

D. Many people kill and eat turtles in a religious observance.

E. Government should prevent sea turtle being hunted to increase the number of the species.

F. A letter was written to Pope to save endangered sea turtles.

小题1: ___________

Environmental groups in the United States are leading a campaign to save thousands of endangered sea turtles. They have asked Pope John Paul the Second to ban turtle meat during the Christian religious observance known as Lent. Christians observe Lent in preparation for the holiday of Easter.

小题2: ___________

Environmental groups say illegal turtle hunting is one of the major threats to endangered sea turtles in southern California and Mexico. It has been illegal to harvest and eat sea turtle meat in Mexico for more than ten years. However, demand for sea turtle meat is widespread in both Southern California and Mexico. Biologists believe that illegal hunting is one of the main reasons for the sharp drop in sea turtle populations during the past thirty years.

小题3: ___________

The week before Easter Sunday is an especially deadly time for the turtles. As many as 5,000 turtles are killed during this time each year. Many Mexicans and Mexican Americans eat turtle meat during the days before Easter. Many people do not eat meat during this holy time in order to obey the rules of Lent. Because sea turtles swim, many people consider them to be fish. Fish is permitted during Lent.

小题4: ___________

The Sea Turtle Conservation Network is a union of fishermen, environmental activists and researchers. They sent a letter to Pope John Paul, urging the Roman Catholic Church leader to officially declare that sea turtle flesh is meat, not fish or seafood. They say thousands of these endangered animals would be saved if people did not eat them during this religious period. The letter also asked members of the Catholic Church to obey laws banning the capture of turtles in Mexico and the United States.


About 35,000 endangered sea turtles are killed illegally near the coasts of Baja, California each year. Studies have shown a sharp drop in the numbers of females. They travel from as far away as Japan to lay their eggs on local beaches. Environmental activists say hunting sea turtles for their meat is the main barrier to the recovery of the species. They have urged the governments of the United States and Mexico to improve enforcement of the ban on sea turtle harvesting.
