问题 问答题

Boris and Maria are general partners in a limited (commandite) partnership. Oleg is the only investing partner. Oleg’s capital contribution was one million roubles. The partnership agreement confines the business of the partnership to buying and selling furniture. Any transaction in excess of 500.000 roubles must be sanctioned by both of the general partners.In dealing with his regular suppliers, Boris was offered an attractive contract subject to a minimum value of 750.000 roubles. Boris entered into a contract to purchase furniture from this supplier, committing the partnership to expenditure of 750.000 roubles.Although usually not actively involved in the business, Oleg entered into a contract on behalf of the partnership with a supplier of electrical fittings for the home, as he considered this to be an excellent diversification that would increase the potential profitability of the business.Required:Analyse the implications of these contracts for Boris, Maria and Oleg, and explain whether the contracts are binding on the partnership.(10 marks)


