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在评标过程中,鉴于各投标人的技术方案大同小异,建设单位决定将评标方法改为经评审的最低投标价法。评标委员会根据修改后的评标方法,确定的评标结果排名顺序为A公司、C公司、B公司。建设单位于7月15日确定A公司中标,于7月16日向A公司发出中标通知书,并于7月18日与A公司签订了合同。在签订合同过程中,经审查,A公司所选择的设备安装分包单位不符合要求,建设单位遂指定国有一级安装企业 D公司作为A公司的分包单位。建设单位于7月28日将中标结果通知了B、C两家公司,并将投标保证金退还给该两家公司。建设单位于7月31日向当地招标投标管理部门提交了该工程招标投标情况的书面报告。
























Where has the Time gone? is the hottest song that has moved thousands of Chinese. Chinese parents give their children endless love and ask nothing in return. However, sometimes, daughters and sons are too busy growing up and forget that their parents are getting older and older. What should we do? Let’s have a look at a letter of a father’s.

Dear son,

One day if you see me old and I am not myself, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating…, if I cannot dress…, have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.

If, when I speak to you, I say the same things one thousand and one times, do not stop me and listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you one thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.

When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame(羞辱) me nor scold(责备) me. Remember when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath.

When you see me meet something new, give me the necessary time and don’t laugh at me. I taught you how to do so many things… to eat well, to dress well… to face life.

If I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my legs do not allow me to walk, give me your hand the same way I did when you gave your first steps.

When sometimes I lose the memory during our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember. And if I cannot do it, do not become nervous because the most important thing is not my conversation but to be with you and to have you listen to me.



小题1:What do the Chinese parents often do?

A.They often get dirty when eating.

B.They often read stories to their children at night.

C.They give their children endless love and ask nothing in return.

D.They often refuse to take a shower.小题2:What would the father do, if he wanted his son to go to sleep?

A.He would read the same story many times to make his son sleep.

B.He would invent many excuses.

C.He would scold his son.

D.He would teach his son to count sheep.小题3:According the father, what should you do, when your old parents lose the memory during your conversation?

A.Go on talking with them.

B.Leave them alone.

C.Go for a walking with them.

D.Be with them and listen to them.小题4:Why does the writer write this passage?

A.To introduce the song, Where has the Time gone?

B.To show what we should do when our parents are old.

C.To show a father’s love to his son.

D.To complain that we are too busy.
