问题 单项选择题








Students learn many subjects at school, like Chinese, English, math and physics. Some students think it’s hard to do well in math. They say it’s boring. Why do they say this? First, some math problems are so hard for them. They spend a lot of time on them, but they can’t work them out, so they lost heart(失去信心). Second, they are afraid( 害怕) to ask their teachers for help. They think the teachers will laugh at them. Third, they think math class is very tiring because they need to use their brain(大脑)to find out the answers all the time.

How can you do well in math? Here is some advice from a math teacher:

1. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do some extra(额外的) exercises after class.

2. Ask the teacher for help if you don’t understand anything. Don’t be afraid.

3. Don’t forget to go over (复习) your old lessons.

If you do these things, you will find it much easier to do better in math.

小题1:Doing _______ math problem can make students lose heart.




D.few小题2:The advice is from ____________.

A.a math teacher

B.an English teacher

C.a student

D.a doctor小题3:Some students think math class is very tiring because _____________

A.they have to listen to the teacher.

B.they have to look after themselves.

C.they need to use their brain to find out the answers all the time.

D.they need to help their classmates.小题4:If you want to do better in math, you should NOT______________.

A.listen to the teachers carefully

B.ask the teacher for help

C.go over your old lessons

D.lose interest in studying math


编辑加工题:阅读分析短稿,并按照稿件加工整理的规范进行编辑加工。(本题22 分)   审稿是编辑工作的主要环节之一。不论稿件来原如何,出版单位都必须安排编辑对稿件进行审读并写出审稿意见。   初审的审稿意见一般由编辑或具备一定条件的助理编辑撰写,(助理编辑撰写的审稿意见必须由具备责任编辑资格的人员负责复核并签字认可)必须写得较详细并作出审稿结论。审稿结论一般有下列几种:   第一,如果是不符合出版要求的稿件,审稿结论应为“重写”。审稿意见中对此要非常明确地说明理由。   第二,如果是基本符合出版要求但尚有不足的稿件,审稿结论应为“退修”,既把稿件退还给作者进行修改。审稿意见中必须说明稿件存在的问题及要求进行修改的理由,并提出修改建议。   第三,如果是符合出版要求的稿件,审稿结论就是“接受出版。”对可出可不出的稿件,审稿结论应为“待定”。   初审的审稿意见经终审者和复审者审核通过后,编辑才可对稿件正式作出处理,就是要根据上述不同审稿结论,或把稿件退还作者,或把稿件退交作者修改,或通知作者稿件已经决定采用,或把稿件交总编室存档。   通过审稿后决定采用的稿件,有时还要进行编辑加工整理。稿件经过编辑加工整理后,应该达到“齐、清、定”这一最基本的要求。   所谓“齐”,是指稿件的各个部分齐全,不能有缺漏。具体包括:正文齐全,篇、章、节以至段落等完整无缺;如有图表,也不得遗缺;应该具备的辅文齐全;编辑校对流程记录全,以备查考,等等。  所谓“清”,是指稿面要清楚。具体包括:字跡清楚,不潦草;沟画清楚,没有模糊及条交叉的地方,改动过多或线条过多之处要抄清;稿面上用铅笔标出的修改之处,如需采纳,要用色笔描清;在审稿或编辑加工整理过程中用铅笔临时写的批注意见也要用色笔描清;删除的文字要涂红;稿件各个组成部分次序分明……等等。  所谓“定”,是指所发的稿件必需是定稿。具体包括:稿件的体例和章节安排已确定;翻译的人名和地名等已经全稿统一,没有“一名多译”现象;数字、标点符号和剂量单位的使用符合规范,并且前后一致,等等。  责任编辑确认稿件已经达到“齐、清、定”后,还应报请复审者和终审者审定,才能将稿件正式发出。