2009年12月在东京花样滑冰比赛中,若冠军获得者申雪、赵宏博原来静止在冰面上,当他们被对方推向相反方向运动时,且冰刀与冰面间的动摩擦因数相同,申雪在冰上滑行的距离比赵宏博远。下列相关说法正确的是( ) A.申雪受到的作用力较大 B.两人运动的加速度大小相等 C.他们之间的作用力和反作用力大小相等方向相反 D.两人的惯性相同 |
2009年12月在东京花样滑冰比赛中,若冠军获得者申雪、赵宏博原来静止在冰面上,当他们被对方推向相反方向运动时,且冰刀与冰面间的动摩擦因数相同,申雪在冰上滑行的距离比赵宏博远。下列相关说法正确的是( ) A.申雪受到的作用力较大 B.两人运动的加速度大小相等 C.他们之间的作用力和反作用力大小相等方向相反 D.两人的惯性相同 |
完形填空 | ||||
In 1996, Subaru sailed (航海) alone 1 the Pacific Ocean (太平洋). Many other people did this before Subaru, but he was special. At age 14, he was the 2 person to sail across the Pacific by himself. Subaru left Tokyo on July 22, 1996. In the boat, he had food and water for a 3 trip. He also had a radio and other modern machines for sailing. The 4 of the trip went very well. Subaru often talked to his parents 5 radio. He didn't have any 6 with his boat. Then, on August 11, the engine (发动机) in his boat stopped. This made 7 difficult to go on with his trip. Then, five days later, his radio stopped. Now he was out of contact (联系) with anyone.And he was _8_ 2,770 miles away from San Francisco. By the end of August, many people believed that Subaru was 9_ .His parents expected him to arrive in San Francisco on September 3, but he didn't. Then, on September 13, Subaru sailed into San Francisco. After 55 days in his boat, his trip was finally 10 . | ||||