问题 问答题

阅读下列材料,回答问题 材料一 君主制乃世间之最崇高者,国王不仅是上帝在尘世的代理,而且高居上帝的御座,甚而因上帝之名被尊为神……《圣经》里是把国君比作神,明确地把他们的权力与上帝的权力相提并论。国君正被比作一家之长。一位国王乃名副其实的“一国之主”,是其臣民的政治家长。 …… 臣民在议会(不过是国王的首要议事机构和工具)里所恳请之法律,只能由国王在议会的建议下制定。国王制定日常法令,推行他认为合宜的法令,并非出自议会或哪个等级的建议,没有国王的权威参与其间,议会无权制定任何法律或法令。 --英国国王詹姆斯一世:《对议会的演讲》(1610年)

材料二 良好的政府必定有一以贯之,堪与一种哲学体系相媲美的观念。所有的举措必定是深思熟虑的,举凡财政、政治和军事,惟须朝向一个目标,即国家强盛,国势昌隆。如此一种体制只能源于一个人的头脑,此人非君主莫属。 君主是国家另一公仆。他有优厚之报酬,是为了维持职位之尊严,而且人们要求他为了国家的利益干练地工作,最起码要密切关注最重大的问题。 一个人如为其同等的人推许为杰出人才,这是希望他应该为他们服务。这些服务包括法律的维持,司法的严格执行……这个君主有责任重视农业,使商业和工业受到鼓励。他是一个应该时常警惕国家敌人行动的终身哨兵。 --普鲁士国王腓特烈二世:《政治典范》(1752年)




开明君主制 君主是国家公仆而非神授的君主,已经打破了神学的束缚;国王的目的或者使命是国家富强;推行重商主义,维护工商业者的利益,促进经济发展,增强本国的政治军事实力;国王权力受到限制。


Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality (理性), but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any reasonable student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, many famous professors and lots of good labs and research equipment. But that’s not what I did.

I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts (文科) university that doesn’t even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my job. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by communicating with people who weren’t studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a wise choice. They told me I was wise and grown-up beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.

 I headed off to the college and sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn’t care if you had values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical expert and excellent humanist all in one.

 Now I’m not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideas crashed into reality, as all noble ideas finally do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses, I have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.

 The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don’t mix as easily as I supposed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different ways. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.

小题1:Why did the author choose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university?

A.He intended to become an engineer and humanist.

B.He intended to be a reasonable student with noble ideals.

C.He wanted to be an example of practicality and rationality.

D.He wanted to communicate with liberal-arts students.小题2:According to the author, by communicating with people who study liberal arts, engineering students can ___________.

A.become noble idealists

B.broaden their knowledge

C.find a better job in the future

D.balance engineering and liberal arts小题3: Which word below can replace the underlined word “reconcile”?




D.compete小题4:The underlined sentence in 1st paragraph means ___________.

A.he has failed to achieve his ideal aims

B.he is not a practical and rational student

C.his choice of attending to a small liberal-arts university is reasonable

D.his idea of combining engineering with liberal - arts is noble and wise小题5: The author suggests in this passage that ___________.

A.liberal-arts students are supported to take engineering courses

B.technical experts with a wide vision are expected in the society

C.successful engineering students are more welcomed in the society

D.engineering universities with liberal-arts courses are needed