问题 单项选择题

关于进一步深入打击非法行医的通知县卫生监督所、各乡镇卫生院、村卫生室:①近期,我县(药房坐堂行医及无《乡村医生执业证书》的老村医、退休医生)非法行医现象时有发生。②为进一步净化我县医疗服务环境,确实维护人民群众生命财产安全,我局决定在全县范围内继续深入开展打击非法行医工作,③。一、工作重点(一)严厉打击无证行医行为。重点打击药房无证行医、老村医未取得有效《乡村医生执业证书》非法行医、兽医看人病、退休医生无有效《医师执业证书》非法行医、村卫生室人员在家或私自设立诊疗场所非法开展诊疗活动等违法行为。(二)严肃查处医疗机构超出登记的诊疗科目及跨区开展诊疗活动的行为。(三)严肃查处违法发布医疗广告的行为。二、工作要求医疗卫生事业直接关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,与广大人民群众切身利益密切相关。各乡镇卫生院、村卫生室要进一步强化责任,统一思想,提高认 识,增强工作责任感和紧迫感,切实履行职责,严格监督管理。各乡镇卫生院卫生监督检查员、村卫生室卫生监督信息员要切实履行各自的工作职责,认真做好辖区 内非法行医行为信息、证据的收集、核实和上报工作,对玩忽职守不履行职责知情不报的人员,要依法依规追究其相关人员的责任。县卫生监督所要进一步强化监督 职责,加强对医疗市场的日常巡查频次,依法严肃查处各种违法行医行为。(下略)三、工作安排各村卫生室卫生监督信息员要尽快摸清本村非法行医信息,及时上报所在地卫生院卫生监督协管办公室。(下略)××县卫生局(印章)二○一一年十一月一日


A. 删去“进一步”、“继续”


C. 改“确实”为“切实”




解析:“确实”和“切实”的区别在于:(1)词意不同,“确实”表示确切、实在,“切实”指切合实际,实实在在。(2)用法不同,“确实”用在动词前,一般强调 做过些什么,“切实”用在动词前,表示将要做什么。(3)程度不同,“确实”在某种程度上带有不确定性,而“切实”则肯定的强度更大,因而在公文写作中, 很少使用“确实”一词。由此可见,②中“确实”用法不当,应当改为“切实”。本题选C。


Germany’s chimney sweeps—hallowed as bringers of good luck, with their black top hats and coiled-wire brushes— are under attack. Last week the European Commission’s directorate for the internal market revived proceedings against an antiquated German law that protects sweeps against competition. The country’s chimney sweeps enjoy a near-perfect monopoly. Germany is divided into around 8000 districts, each ruled by its own master sweep who usually employs two more sweeps. Although this is a private enterprise, the maintenance and inspection service provided is compulsory and prices are set by the local authority: sweeps cannot stray outside their district, nor can householders change their sweep even if they loathe him. This rule cuts both ways. "There are some customers I can’t stand either," says one Frankfurt sweep.

The rationale is simple: chimney-sweeping and related gas and heating maintenance in Germany are treated as a matter of public safety. Annual or semi-annual visits are prescribed, keeping the sweeps busy all year round. For centuries, chimney-sweeps in Europe were a wandering breed. But in 1937 the chimney-sweep law was revised by Heinrich Himmler, then the acting interior minister. His roles tied chimney sweeps to their districts and decreed that they should be German, to enable him to use sweeps as local spies.

The law was updated in 1969, leaving the local monopolies in place but opening up the profession, in theory at least, to non-Germ, ans. But in practice few apply. Four years ago a brave Pole qualified as a master in Kaiserslautern, according to a fellow student, and this year an Italian did so in the Rhineland Palatinate. But he, like most newly qualified German masters, will spend years on a waiting list before he gets his own district.

The European Commission would like to see a competitive market in which people can choose their own sweeps, just as they choose builders or plumbers. It first opened infringement proceedings in 2003, and the German government of the time promised to change the law but failed to do so. And despite the huffing and puffing from Brussels, tile government is still reluctant to dismantle its antiquated system on safety grounds. The number of deaths from carbon-monoxide poisoning in Germany is around one-tenth that in France or Belgium, claims the Frankfurt sweep. So Germans are likely to be stock with their neighbourhood Schornsteinfegers—whether they can stand each other or not—for some time to come.

What does "This rule cuts both ways" (Line 7, Paragraph 1) mean()

A. The maintenance and inspection service provided is compulsory

B. Prices are set by the local authority

C. Some sweeps can’t stand some customers

D. Customers and sweeps can not satisfy one another