问题 阅读理解


     A vertical farm is a concept farm which is planted on levels or floors.A sky scraper type

building can house a vertical farm.Since the garden is built upwards,rather than outwards,it

requires much less space than a conventional(传统的) farm.

     The world is quickly running out of room for conventional farming.Vertical farms could be

a key to this situation.An 18story vertical farm could feed as many as 50,000 people,all in an

area which is the size of the average city block.Vertical farms in the city could cut down on

transportation costs as well.Think about the amount of fuel it takes to transport food from

farmland to city.The resources saved would be surprising. Besides saving travel time,food

would be delivered in fresher condition and with less damage.

     There is a growing concern about the use of pesticides in agriculture today.But the vertical

farm would be a greenhouse type environment, avoiding the need for a large number of

pesticides.Vertical farms can be built in a contained space,therefore they are an excellent

solution for living well in an environment far different from our own.Hydroponics(水耕法)

could be a big part of vertical gardening.This would reduce the amount of soil needed to grow

food.Of course,not all food does well with this type of planting,but there are many crops

that actually seem to do better.

     In some climates,a lack of sunlight creates a short growing season. The solar power option

may not work as well here.The addition of grow lights would make it possible to grow crops

in vertical gardens in these areas.In other words,we could grow crops in areas where we never

could before.

     Vertical farms may just be a concept for now,but they are a concept that will solve many

of our problems in the future.

1.According to the passage, a vertical farm________.

A.is mainly built outwards

B.is only an environmental friendly farm

C.is planted on levels upwards

D.is dependent on solar power

2.The second paragraph is mainly about________.

A.the meaning of a vertical farm

B.the future of a vertical farm

C.the cost of a vertical farm

D.the benefit of a vertical farm

3.Compared to the conventional farm, the vertical farm can________.

A.help to protect the limited gardens  

B.reduce the harmful effect of pesticides

C.depend far less on sunlight

D.greatly increase the use of soil

4.It can be learned from the passage that vertical farms________.

A.have been put into use

B.need less room than conventional farms

C.only use hydroponics to grow food

D.may increase the transportation costs

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Vertical farms for our future

B.Vertical farms and green skyscrapers

C.Ways to deal with future problems

D.Advantages of vertical farms




1820年,世界最富有国家和最贫穷国家人均个人收入比是3:1,1913年是11:1,1950年是35:1,1973年是44:1,1992年是72:1,1997年大约是77:1.世界最富有的比尔·;盖茨和菲利普·;安许茨2个人的资产总额超过世界上20多个最贫穷国家的国内生产总值的总和。通用汽车公司一家的预算(1320亿美元)超过了印度尼西亚的国民生产总值,福特汽车公司 (1003亿美元)超过土耳其的国民生产总值。世界经济继续增长,然而一些国家仍然很穷。中低收入国家的债务总额从1990年的1.5万亿美元增加到1997年的2.3万亿美元。人均国内生产总值以美元计算:瑞士约4万美元,美国约3万美元,巴西约4500美元,埃塞俄比亚约100美元。巴黎银楼餐馆一顿晚饭的费用是平均每人229美元,相当于世界上26个最贫穷国家的人均国民生产总值。
古巴 * * 菲德.卡斯特罗1995年3月在哥本哈根举行的联合国社会发展问题世界首脑会议上指出:虽然这里的与会者们有着崇高的理想,但在一个原材料贱卖,工业品贵买,因而富者愈富、贫者愈贫的世界上,是不会有社会发展的。最需要人才的国家,人才被掠夺;利率越来越高;外债高达1.5万亿美元,造成严重恶果;资金从穷国流向富国。
马来西亚 * * 在联合国社会发展问题世界首脑会议上指责西方利用 * * 问题和人们对环保问题的关注来遏制发展中国家。他说,多年以来,在冷战时期的意识形态斗争中,“发展中国家及其人民只不过是牵线木偶”。如今,北方工业化国家将拉美和东南亚经济的高增长率视为对它们的威胁。在殖民地时代,“北方在搜刮尽了本国的这些财富之后,又在统治我们的时候,榨取了我们国家的财富”。他说:“现在,他们企图利用包括 * * ,社会条款和环境条件来抑制我们的经济增长。”他说:“尽管资本主义和自由市场经济存在着弱点,但西方只允许奉行一种西方模式。它们不承认所谓经济增长火车头的明显失败”。西方“还是实行改革为好,而不要企图顽固地坚持其立场并对别人指手画脚。”
(3)根据材料2、3,分析90年代以来西方发达国家对发展中国家推行“多党制”、“ * * ”和“民主”的实质。
在1935年12月瓦窑堡会议上中央政治局通过了《关于目前政治形势与党的任务的决议》,指出:“中 * * 党是中国无产阶级的先锋队。因此一切愿意为着 * * 党的主张而奋斗的人,不问他们的阶级出身如何,都可以加入 * * 党。一切在民族革命与土地革命中的英勇战士,都应该吸收入党,担负党在各方面的工作。”
请根据这段科学论述,来分析说明中 * * 党在新民主主义革命时期是如何着重从思想上建设党,保持工人阶级先锋队性质的。
