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1. _____ May 19,1991 was a red letter day for the people of Nanxi Town,Jinzhai County,in the Dabie Mountain area of Anhui Province.On that day the town people cut the ribbon at the inauguration (落成典礼) of a primary school,the first in China set up with money raised in a national campaign for educational development.They were happy to see their children,who had been deprived (剥夺) of an education because of poverty,entering school. 2. _____ The Dabie Mountain range lies at the juncture of Hubei,Henan and Anhui provinces.Jinzhai County, located in the highest section of the mountain range,has within its boundaries more than 100 peaks each exceeding 1,000 meters in height.Due to the unfavorable natural conditions,some people in the county are unable to feed and clothe themselves adequately no matter how hard they work throughout the year.About 1,500 children have dropped out of school because their parents are unable to pay the fees for them. 3. _____ Huangpin,a povertystricken village situated in the a cold area 750 metres above sea level,is typical of the county.Among the villages are 224 children between the ages of 7 and 15.There are 80 children who are unable to go to school because of economic problems.Some pupils have to cut firewood after school to support themselves.Some leave school to look after cattle and pigs because they cannot afford the 20 yuan necessary for buying books. 4. _____ The county's leaders have long realized that it is very difficult for county in which 36% of the people are illiterate (文盲) to free ![]() tax income on education "I'm daydaytest Placeholder" for several years' running.In order to enroll (招收) more children,teachers from some schools have climbed hills to encourage people to send their children to school.Some teachers have even paid their students' fees from their own pockets,although their salaries are very low. 5. _____ According to statistics (统计数据) in China,more than one million schoolage children are unable to go to school because of economic problems.In October 1989,the China Foundation for the Development of Children and Youth appealed to the country and the world to raise money for the education of children in povertystricken areas.Since children are the future of the country,this project is called "The Hope Project". |
阅读下文。回答101—105题。 风起浪涌,海洋波能便孕育在这海水的起伏运动中。当然,没有水自身的重力,浪亦难涌。波能属于势能与动能共同形成的“综合能”。海浪的水质点相对于静水面位移具有势能,而动能则来自水质点运动;在深水中波能的传播受到限制,只有占能量总和50%的势能可随波浪传播。波能的能量密度虽较低,但总能量很大,据估计全世界的海洋波能相当约30亿千瓦电能,其中可利用的约占三分之一。南半球海洋的波浪比北半球大,在南美、南非和澳大利亚等地区海域的波能也因之较大。中国沿海的波能分布也是南大于北。南海波浪比东南沿海大,平均波高在1.5米以上。 长期以来,人们总想利用这一巨大能量。现今,淡化海水的波能搅拌站、波能发动机和大型防波堤电站等已经问世。利用波能,必须有波能转换装置。波能转换装置形式不一,但都没有本质区别。波能转换装置是三级组合装置:第一级受波体是将海浪转换为装置实体持有的能量。装置实体中的受能体直接和海浪接触,将波浪转换为机械运动;而相对固定的固定体与受能体形成相对运动。第二级中间转换器,其作用是将第一级转换与最终转换沟通;因为波能经过第一级转换往往达不到最终推动机械运动的要求,不仅是因为其水头低、速度低,而且稳定性也较差。不管哪种类型的中间转换器都要起到传输能量和稳定输出的作用,水动式是通过液压泵将机械能变为水能,经水轮机再将水能变为机械能。它在增速、传输、调节上都比直接机械式方便。气动式则以空气为介质完成能量转换。它可以减少海水对设施的腐蚀,它是目前世界上广泛采用的波能中间转换装置。最终转换是应用设备,它依用户需要来设计。 有趣的是,波浪能产生于海洋,但是波力电站不一定要建在海上。岸式波力电站就是建在常年风急浪大的海边,只有利用——的岸基与钢筋混凝土构件建成的受波通道——海水。这种发电站是利用经过两级转换装置的海洋波能能量压缩空气以推动涡轮机工作,使振荡水柱往复运动而发电的。波力发电站可与常规发电站并网运行。 |
对“海洋波能”的科学解释,最准确的一项是( )。