问题 辨析题





把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位的说法是正确的,这是因为:(1)当今世界,各国之间日趋激烈的经济竞争和科技竞争,归根到底是教育的竞争、人才的竞争。从一定意义上说,教育决定一个国家和民族的未来,是一个民族最根本的事业。(2)我国是一个人口众多,资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后的国家,只有把经济建设转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来,把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位,努力提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化水平,才能实现社会主义现代化的宏伟目标。(3)面对日趋激烈的市场竞争,迎接知识经济的挑战,接受良好的教育,已逐渐成为人们生存发展的第一需要和终身受益的财富,甚至决定其一生的命运。(4)只有把教育搞上去,才能化人口大国为人才强国,化人口压力为人才优势,才能从根本上提高中 * * 的整体素质,增强我国的综合国力,才能在激烈的国际竞争中取得战略主动地位。



To give the things you don’t need

When I moved into my new house, there was already a washing machine in it. However, I had just bought a new one, so I wondered what to do with the machine that was already in my house. I remembered two girls who regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons.

They never had or kept anything they didn’t need. If one of them needed something, they would work for the amount of time it took to make the money and then return to their religious work. They had just moved into their own house so I decided to give them all the things I didn’t need in my house. Whatever they didn’t need, they could give to the charity store they helped support.

I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that they had called on a complete stranger the week before, a shingle mother with a new –born baby to take care of. She had been washing clothes by hand. When hey got home they discussed the fact that the woman probably needed their washing machine more than they did so they gave it to her. And their good deed had come back to them as they would be able to have my washing machine.



2.然后以约120个词就“To give the things you don’t need”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:





