问题 问答题

ZAO Snack is a company that operates a popular chain of coffee shops in a large city. The company has grown rapidly but is now looking for additional fi nance to enable further expansion to be achieved.The three main shareholders have approached Vera, a wealthy entrepreneur, to encourage her to invest in the company.Vera has been impressed by the company and the vision of its owners, but has stated that she will only invest subject to certain conditions. Vera has informed the main shareholders that in order to provide the fi nance that is sought by them, she wants to take a minimum equity stake in the company of 10%. She also wants to be guaranteed a minimum annual dividend of 10%, which she notes from the most recent fi nancial accounts and projections would be easily affordable to the company.The main shareholders of the company have agreed to transfer 10% of the total shares in the company to Vera by decreasing their own shareholdings. However, they are concerned about the potential implications of offering her a 10% stake in the company, the minimum fi nancial stake that she requires and the minimum return that she wants the company to provide.Required:

(a) Explain the impact of Vera acquiring a 10% stake in the equity of the company in respect of her ability to infl uence future decisions and actions proposed by the shareholders. (4 marks)




在探讨“民主政治发展”问题时,某同学发现在20世纪40年代抗日战争时期中 * * 党曾经大张旗鼓地介绍和宣传美国的民主理念和民主精神。《新华日报》这方面的文章很多。每年的7月4日美国的国庆日和每逢华盛顿、杰斐逊、林肯的诞生日,《新华日报》都要发表文章纪念。该同学摘录了以下相关材料:

1944年7月4日《新华日报》发表社论《美国国庆日——自由民主的伟大斗争节日》。指出:“民主的美国已经有了它的同伴,孙中山的事业已经有了它的继承者,这就是中 * * 党和其他民主的势力。我们 * * 党人现在所进行的工作,乃是华盛顿、杰斐逊、林肯等早已在美国进行过了的工作……”



(1)结合所学知识分析20世纪40年代抗日战争时期中 * * 党大张旗鼓地介绍和宣传美国的民主理念和民主精神的原因。




(3)新中国成立后,中 * * 党是否按照美国模式建立了民主制度的?结合所学知识加以说明。

