问题 问答题

Background information

B-Star is a theme park based on a popular series of children*s books. Customers pay a fixed fee to enter the park, where they can participate in a variety of activities such as riding roller-coasters, playing on slides and purchasing themed souvenirs from gift shops.

The park is open all year and has been in operation for the last seven years. It is located in a country which has very little rainfall- the park is open-air so poor weather such as rain results in a significant fall in the number of customers for that day (normally by 50%)。 During the last seven years there have been on average 30 days each year with rain.

B-Star is now very successful; customer numbers are increasing at approximately 15% each year.

Ticket sales

Customers purchase tickets to enter the theme park from ticket offices located outside the park. Tickets are only valid on the day of purchase. Adults and children are charged the same price for admission to the park. Tickets are preprinted and stored in each ticket office.

Tickets are purchased using either cash or credit cards.

Each ticket has a number comprising of two elements 每 two digits relating to the ticket office followed by six digits to identify the ticket. The last six digits are in ascending sequential order.

Cash sales

1. All ticket sales are recorded on a computer showing the amount of each sale and the number of tickets issued. This information is transferred electronically to the accounts office.

2. Cash is collected regularly from each ticket office by two security guards. The cash is then counted by two accounts clerks and banked on a daily basis.

3. The total cash from each ticket office is agreed to the sales information that has been transferred from each office.

4. Total cash received is then recorded in the cash book, and then the general ledger.

Credit card sales

1. Payments by credit cards are authorised online as the customers purchase their tickets.

2. Computers in each ticket office record the sales information which is transferred electronically to the accounts office.

3. Credit card sales are recorded for each credit card company in a receivables ledger.

4. When payment is received from the credit card companies, the accounts clerks agree the total sales values to the amounts received from the credit card companies, less the commission payable to those companies. The receivables ledger is updated with the payments received.

You are now commencing the planning of the annual audit of B-Star. The date is 3 June 2009 and B-Star*s year end is 30 June 2009.


(i) For the cash sales system of B-Star, identify the risks that could affect the assertion of completeness of sales and cash receipts; (4 marks)

(ii) Discuss the extent to which tests of controls and substantive procedures could be used to confirm the assertion of completeness of income in B-Star. (6 marks)




(i)Risk affecting completeness

–The computer system does not record sales accurately and/or information is lost or transferred incorrectly from the

ticket office computer to the accounts department computer.

–Cash sales are not recorded in the cash book; cash is stolen by the accounts clerks.

–Tickets are issued but no payment is received – that is the sale is not recorded.

–Cash is removed by the ticket office personnel, by the security guards or by the account clerks.

–The account clerks miscount the amount of cash received from a ticket office.

(ii)Use of tests of controls and substantive procedures

Tests of controls

Tests of control are designed to ensure that documented controls are operating effectively. If controls over the

completeness of income were expected to operate correctly, then the auditor would test those controls.

In B-Star, while controls could be in operation, e.g. the account clerks agreeing physical cash to computer summaries,

there is no indication that the control is documented; that is, the computer summary is not signed to show the

comparison has taken place. The auditor could use the test of inquiry – asking the clerks whether the control has been

used, and observation – actually watching the clerks carry out the controls. As noted above though, lack of

documentation of the control does mean relying on tests of control for the assertion completeness of income has limited


Substantive procedures

Substantive procedures include analytical procedures and other procedures.

Analytical procedures include the analysis of significant ratios and trends and subsequent investigation of any trends or

relationships that appear to be abnormal. These procedures can be used effectively in B-Star as an approximation of

income can be obtained from sources other than the cash receipt records.

Other procedures, or tests of detail, are normally used on balance sheet assertions and include obtaining audit evidence

relevant to specific assertions. However, they could be used in B-Star to trace individual transactions through the

sales/cash systems to ensure all ticket sales have been recorded (completeness assertion). The use of other procedures

will be time consuming.




寇隽字祖俊,上谷昌平人也。祖赞,魏南雍州刺史。父臻,安远 * * 、郢州刺史。


以选为魏孝文帝挽郎,除奉朝请。大乘贼起,燕齐扰乱,隽参护军事东讨,以功授员外散骑侍郎,迁尚书左民郎中。以母不拜。正光三年,拜轻车 * * ,迁扬烈 * * 、司空府功曹参军,转主簿。时灵太后临朝,减食禄官十分之一,造永宁佛寺,令隽典之。资费巨万,主吏不能欺隐。寺成,又极壮丽。灵太后嘉之,除左军 * * 。


二年,出为左 * * 、梁州刺史。民俗荒犷,多为盗贼。隽乃令郡县立庠序,劝其耕桑,敦以礼让,数年之中,风俗顿革。梁遣其将曹琰之镇魏兴,继日版筑。琰之屡扰疆场,边人患之。隽遣长史杜休道率兵攻克其城,并擒琰之。琰之即梁大 * * 景宗之季弟也。于是梁人惮焉。属魏室多故,州又僻远,梁人知无外援,遂遣大兵魏兴,志图攻取。隽抚励将士,人思效命。梁人知其得众心也,弗之敢逼。隽在州清苦,不治产业。秩满,其子等并徒步而还。吏人送隽,留连于道,久之乃得出界。


【注】①盗泉:在山东泗水县。县内有87处泉水,只有盗泉不流,其余皆汇入泗河。《尸子》 :“(孔子)过于盗泉,渴矣,而不饮,恶其名也。”②选:量才授官。

小题1:对下列语句中加点词语的解释,不正确的一项是(   )(3分)




D.遂遣大兵魏兴顿:驻扎小题2:下列各项加点词的意义、用法相同的一项是(    )(3分)



C.灵太后嘉之,左军 * * 而燕国见陵之耻

D.隽令郡县立庠序今其智反不能及小题3:下列各项和“弗之敢逼”句式相同的一项是(   )(3分)




D.然而不王者,未之有也小题4:下列各组语句中,全部表明寇隽守正的一组是(   )(3分)

①闺门雍睦,白首同居   ②遂访主还之           ③资费巨万,主吏不能欺隐

④见使雷同,未敢闻命   ⑤其附椿者,咸谴责焉   ⑥隽抚励将士,人思效命




D.①⑤⑥小题5:下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(   )(3分)

A.寇隽性情宽厚文雅,从小有见识和度量,喜欢学习,记忆力好。祖父寇赞,曾做魏南雍州刺史。父亲寇臻,担任过安远 * * 、郢州刺史。



D.寇隽出京城担任左 * * 、梁州刺史时,梁朝的将领曹琰之经常侵扰边疆,寇隽派人活捉了曹琰之,从此梁朝人惧怕。小题6:将文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分)


