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解析:(1)起点:房主 终点:变更房屋状态 数据流名称:变更房屋状态请求 (2)起点:租赁者终点:登记租赁者信息数据流名称:租赁者信息 (3)起点:租赁者终点:安排租赁者看房数据流名称:看房请求

[分析]: 本题考查的是DFD的应用,属于比较传统的题目,考查点也与往年类似。 [问题1] 考查的是顶层DFD。顶层DFD通常用来确定系统边界,其中只包含一个唯一的加工(即待开发的系统)、外部实体以及外部实体与系统之间的输入输出数据流。题目要求填充的正是数据流。 细心的考生可能会发现,在0层DFD中,与“房主”相关的数据流有5条。其中的“费用单”是顶层DFD中没有出现过的,而且是系统输出给“房主”的。这条数据流恰好可以与第(1)空对应,因此(1)处缺失的数据流就是“费用单”。如果确定了(4)处的数据流,实际上[问题3]要求的一条数据流也就找到了。 由于(4)处缺失的数据流是一条输入数据流,从[说明]中可以看出,只有功能6“当租赁者与房主达成租房或退房协议后,房主向系统提交变更房屋状态的请求”所描述的数据流没有在“房主”与系统之间体现出来。因此可以确定,(4)处缺失的数据流就是“变更房屋状态请求”。相应地,可以确定,在0层图中缺失的其中一条数据流也是它,其起点是“房主”,终点是“变更房屋状态”这个加工。 类似地,通过比较两张DFD中与外部实体“租赁者”相关的数据流,可以发现:出现在0层图上的数据流“带租赁房屋列表”是顶层图上没有的,且与(2)处的数据流的方向一致。由此可以断定,(2)处的数据流就是“带租赁房屋列表”。而顶层图中的数据流“租赁者信息”却是0层图上没有的。这样就找到了0层图上缺失的第2条数据流:租赁者信息,它的起点是“租赁者”,终点是加工“登记租赁者信息”。 再回到[说明l,其中与“租赁者”相关的功能“一旦租赁者从中找到合适的房屋,就可以提出看房请求”并没有在图中体现出来。这样就能确定(3)处的数据流应该是“看房请求”。而0层图中也没有出现这条数据流。所以,0层图中缺失的第3条数据流就是“看房请求”,它的起点是“租赁者”,终点是加工“安排租赁者看房”。 到此为止所有缺失的数据流都补齐了,0层图中的(5)~(8)需要填的是数据存储。由[说明]可以确定,这个系统中的数据存储有房主信息文件(功能1)、房屋信息文件(功能2)、租赁者信息文件(功能3)、看房记录文件(功能4)。下面就可以根据相应的加工对号入座了。显然,(5)处的是房主信息文件:(6)处的是租赁者信息文件; (7)处的是房屋信息文件;(8)处的是看房记录文件。


The police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively resisting protestors Friday in an attempt to break up the largest antinuclear demonstration ever staged in the United States. More than 135,000 demonstrators confronted the police on the construction site of a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant scheduled to provide power to most of southern New Hampshire. Organizers of the huge demonstration said that the protest was continuing despite the police actions. More demonstrators were arriving to keep up the pressure on state authorities to cancel the project. The demonstrator had charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters. The demonstrations would go on until the jails and the courts were so overloaded that the state judicial system would collapse.
Governor Stanforth Thumper insisted that there would be no reconsideration of the power project and no delay in its construction set for completion in three years. "This project will begin on time and the people of this state will begin to receive its benefits on schedule. Those who break the law in misguided attempts to sabotage the project will be dealt with according to the law," he said. And the police called in reinforcements from all over the state to handle the disturbances.
The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators broke through the police lines around the cordoned-off construction site. They carried placards that read "No Nukes is Good Nukes," "Sunpower, Not Nuclear Power," and "Stop Private Profits from Public Peril. " They defied police order to move from the area. Tear gas canisters fired by the police failed to dislodge the protestors who had been prepared with their own gas masks or facecloths. Finally the gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one. The protestors did not resist the police, but refused to walk away under their own power. Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, trespassing, and disturbing the peace.

What were the demonstrators protesting about

A.Private profits

B.The nuclear power station

C.The project of nuclear power construction

D.Public peril