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无业人员赵某(男,23岁)、钱某(男,26岁)与原某国有银行分行记账员陈某(男,16岁)合谋抢银行的钱。1998年3月,陈某之父虚报陈已满18岁,将其安排到某银行工作,该分行规定陈某与其他工作人员轮流为银行提取现金。同年12月20日(陈某当时实际上仅15岁),与赵某一同到被告人钱某家中,与钱某共同商定:利用陈某提取现金返回分行的机会,采取假抢劫方式从陈手中将银行的现金劫走。具体由钱某望风,赵某对陈某实施"暴力",陈某佯装被劫以配合赵某的行动,事成后3人共同分赃。12月27日上午,赵、钱2人在约定地点守候,9时许,送款车停在分行门前,陈某提着装有153,000元现金的钱袋下车后故意慢行至路中间站住,被告人赵某即跑上去从陈某手中夺过钱袋,并朝陈某的后颈部猛击一拳后逃离现场,在一旁观察动静的钱某也随即离开现场。陈某佯装被抢劫,边追边喊:"抓强盗!"送款车驾驶员闻讯后,迅即驾车追赶赵、钱2人,因赵、钱拐入一狭窄僻静的小巷而未追上。陈某即到公安机关报案,称遭到抢劫。赵、钱作案后即到赵家分赃,赵分得赃款30,000元,钱分得赃款20,000元,赵另拿出20,000元供2人作外逃费用,其余83,000元(含陈某应分得的赃款)藏在陈某家中。破案后,追回赃款91,100元,其余已被挥霍一空。本案中共同犯罪的说法正确的是( )。









A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle.They are designed to reduce impacts to the skull(头颅骨) of a cyclist in falls.However, there is a debate on whether helmets are useful for road cyclists.

The World Health Organization promotes the use of helmets as a strategy for preventing people' s heads from being injured by bicycle crashes or falls.Use of cycling helmets is supported by numerous groups in the United States. US-based cycling activist John Forester suggests that helmet wearing could prevent 300 deaths a year in the United States out of a total of 1530 preventable deaths.Public Health Law Research reports that there is enough evidence to establish that bicycle helmet laws are an effective public health intervention(干涉)aimed to reduce the number of head-related deaths.Received opinion in some countries is that bicycle helmets are useful and that every cyclist should wear one. Professional bodies elsewhere have agreed, such as the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention.

Mayer Hillman, a transport and road safety analyst from the UK, does not support the use of helmets, reasoning that they are of very limited value in the event of a collision(碰撞) with a car. He compares it to drawing conclusions on whether it is worthwhile to buy lottery tickets. Cyclists' representative groups complain that focus on helmets diverts(转移) attention from other issues which are much more important for improving bicycle safety, such as road danger reduction.The UK's largest cyclists' organization, the CTC, believes that the "overall health effects of compulsory helmets are negative.'' The same report estimated(估计) that universal helmet use would save the life of one child aged 0 to 15 each year.

Up to now, the debate is with no consensus(共识), but an organization has published a review of studies in 2011, saying there is a good deal of evidence that those wearing a helmet are more likely to crash than bareheaded cyclists.

