问题 问答题



参考答案:1.以人为本、服务居民。坚持以不断满足社区居民的社会需求,提高居民生活质量和文明程度为宗旨,把服务社区居民作为社区建设的根本出发点和归宿 2.资源共享、共驻共建。充分社区内机团体、部队、企业事业组织等一切力量广泛参与社区建设,最大限度的实现社区资源的共有、共享,营造共驻社区、共建设区的良好氛围3.责权统一、管理有序。改革城市基层社会管理体制,建立健全社区组织,明确社区组织的职责和权利,改进社区的管理与服务,寓管理于服务之中,增强社区的凝聚力4.扩大居民、居民自治。坚持按地域性、认同感等社区构成要素科学合理的划分社区;在社区内实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,逐步实现社区居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务、自我监督。5.因地制宜、循序渐进。坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发,突出地方特色,从居民群众迫切要求解决和热切关注的问题入手,有计划、有步骤的实现社区建设的发展目标。


Modern liberal opinion is sensitive to problems of restriction of freedom and abuse of power. (1) , many hold that a man can be injured only by violating his will, but this view is much too (2) . It fails to (3) the great dangers we shall face in the (4) of biomedical technology that stems from an excess of freedom, from the unrestrained (5) of will. In my view, our greatest problems will be voluntary self-degradation, or willing dehumanization, as is the unintended yet often inescapable consequence of sternly and successfully pursuing our humanization (6) .

Certain (7) and perfected medical technologies have already had some dehumanizing consequences. Improved methods of resuscitation have made (8) heroic effort to "save" the severely ill and injured. Yet these efforts are sometimes only partly successful: They may succeed in (9) individuals, but these individuals may have sever brain damage and be capable of only a less-than-human, vegetating (10) . Such patients have been (11) a death with dignity. Families are forced to bear the burden of a (12) "death watch".

(13) the ordinary methods of treating disease and prolonging life have changed the (14) in which men die. Fewer and fewer people die in the familiar surroundings of home or in the (15) of family and friends. This loneliness, (16) , is not confined to the dying patient in the hospital bed. As a group, the elderly are the most alienated members of our society: Not yet (17) the world of the dead, not deemed fit for the world of the living, they are shunted (18) . We have learned how to increase their years, (19) we have not learned how to help them enjoy their days. Yet we continue to bravely and feverishly push back the frontiers (20) death.


A. limited to

B. isolated from

C. prepared for

D. absorbed into

问答题 简答题