What is Susan most probably
解析:【听力原文】 W: Professor White, I hope I’m not interrupting, but you wanted to see me M: Oh, hello, Susan. Yes, yes. Come right in. Well, the reason I wanted to talk to you was that while you’re presenting your linguistics project in class the other day, I was thinking you’re a perfect candidate for the Deans Undergraduate Research Fund.W: Emm... Professor, I am really not sure what that is.M: Undergraduate Research Fundis... It is a mouth for…, I suppose... OK, here is the thing. Every year the school has a pool of money to fund a number of research projects of undergraduate students, because as you can imagine, in-depth research often requires monetary support.W: I would like to expand on my research.M: Good. First, a panel of professors reviews the applicants for the grant, and then they decide which project should be funded. A lot of money could be used for travel expenses to attend a conference for example, or things like supplies, research equipment, resources that are necessary to conduct the research.W: I see.M: Right. And I think you should apply for this grant. Your project is definitely eligible and you can expand it if you haven’t necessary resources. So does it sound like something you would be interested in W: Oh, yeah, sounds great! I thought the topic I work on was very interesting and it is certainly relevant to my linguistics major. I assume it we’ll also look good when I try to get into a graduate school, but how do I apply for the grant M: It is pretty straightforward. A brief description of your proposed project and an estimated budget —how much you need to spend and what you intend to spend it on. Also a glowing letter of recommendation from our linguistics professor wouldn’t hurt, which I’ve been more than happy to write up for you.W: OK, cool! I’m pretty clear on how to carry out my project, but I’m not sure where I can find more information on the subject.M: Well, I’ve already thought of that. There is this private library at university in Boston. By the way, because I graduated from that school, I can get you access to it, no problem. You see, the library houseslots of unpublished documents that are relevant to your topic.W: So I can put that on the application for the grant that I plan on using material from that library for my research and figure a trip to Boston into my budget M: Exactly. I really think judging from your work in class and the relevance and clarity of this project, you really have a good chance of getting the funding.W: OK, I’ll definitely apply then.M: The sooner, the better. It is due in a few of weeks. And I’ll get that letter written up right away. 【解析】本对话选自校园日常生活,相对简单。主要内容是教授与学生谈论如何申请学校的研究项目。文章一开篇谈到教授为什么认为学生是该研究项目最合适的人选,紧接 着学生针对自己对该项目不清楚的一些地方进行了询问。教授给出了详尽的思路:包括申请材料准备、项目计划、项目目标、预算等;他还指出自己能帮忙从他的母 校获取资料以及给学生写推荐信。总体而言,在一问一答的对话中,抓听时,注意听问题的答案是关键!