用附桂八味丸加减可治疗( )
解析:[知识点] 常用非处方中成药——咳嗽类药
A: Lin Tao, which is your 1 2 in the year?
B: The Chinese New Year.
A: 3 is it your favourite day?
B: Because we eat rice dumplings, and I love rice dumplings.
A: I love them, too.
B: And I can get lots of 4 5 that day.
A: 6 gives you money?
B: My parents, my uncles, my aunts and my grandparents. 7 8 you? What's your favourite day?
A: Well, I like Christmas Day. 9 Christmas I can get lots of 10 .
B: Cards are always very beautiful, aren't they?
A: Yes, they are.
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A.2年 B.4年 C.5年 D.6年