Crime can be divided into two main categories, misdemeanors and felonies. A misdemeanor such as pick-pocketing, or something of bad nature is punishable with more than 15 days in prison but less than 1 year. Felonies are serious crimes, such as burglary, robbery, kidnapping and murder. These crimes are so serious that anyone found guilty will spend some time in prison. When a person who commits a crime is courted that person who is called a defendant or the accused go through a legal process. If the person is found guilty, then the judge decides what the punishment should be.
参考答案: 【参考译文】犯罪可被分为两类:轻罪和重罪。类似扒窃,或者一些不好的行为习惯会被判处一年以内,15天以上的监禁。重罪即严重罪行,例如:盗窃、抢劫、劫持和谋杀。 这些罪行非常严重, 因此任何人被认定有重罪都将会在监狱待上一段时间。当罪犯被诉讼到法院改称“被告”或“被控告者”时,需要走法律程序。如果此人被认定有罪,则由法官判定 处以何种处罚。
解析: 【评析】本篇文章内容为法律相关的“法言法语”。从结构上而言,依然是历年来常见的总-分结构。但对于大部分考生而言,不常接触这类题材,难度较大。尤其是一些法 律专业术语,如:misdemeanors(轻罪) 、felonies (重罪),burglary(盗窃)等。本篇听译也提醒各位考生,应尽可能扩大平时的阅读、听力背景知识领域,从新闻、法律、文化、经济等多角度进行积累。