问题 阅读理解


Foulsham House is a fine,stone house of the 1790s.It stands by the River Byre,in twenty-five hectares(公顷)of the best farmland in the southwest.

Smithson built the house,and the story goes back to George,the young Prince of Wales,who fell in love with the beautiful lady Kitty Wake,at one of the first Lord Foulsham’s wild woods parties.In the past many great men rode on the hills about Foulsham House,and many fine ladies took tea in the Green Room.

The house has eight bedrooms,three bathrooms,two living-rooms and a dining room with a real Adam fire-place(壁炉).The gentleman’s library has a view over the park and the river.All rooms are light and airy(空气通畅的),with wood,high windows,and wood floors.

At the back of the house,where the third Lord Foulsham kept the horses,there is garage-space(停车的地方)for four cars.In many other ways,this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the 2000s.

  If you wish to know more about Foulsham House,write to:

Harvey,Platt,Longford & Sons,

6,Castle Green,Gilham,Byreside.

小题1:The writer writes this passage to ________.

A.persuade people to buy it

B.give some information about Foulsham House

C.tell a love story

D.describe the beauty of a best farmland小题2:People say that ________.

A.Smithson built the house for Lord Foulsham’s wild parties

B.Prince George fell in love with Kitty Wake at Foulsham House

C.Prince George and Kitty Wake fell in love with the Green Room

D.Lord Foulsham fell in love with a lady in Wales小题3:The library ________.

A.has a fine view of the park and the river

B.is where great men and fine ladies took tea

C.has an Adam fire-place,and a real wood floor

D.has eight bedrooms,three bathrooms and two living-rooms





小题1:根据文章中“the story goes back to George,the young Prince of Wales,who fell in love with the beautiful lady Kitty Wake,at one of the first Lord Foulsham’s wild woods parties.”一句可知。

小题2:细节理解题。根据“The gentleman’s library has a view over the park and the river.”可知。

小题3:根据“All rooms are light and airy(空气通畅的),with wood,high windows,and wood floors.”可知答案。







金兀术的十万大军驻扎在开封朱仙镇,进行顽抗。岳家军前哨的五百铁骑先出阵,双方一交手,金军即行崩溃。岳飞高兴地对部属说:“直抵黄龙府,与诸君痛饮尔!」(2)小明说黄龙府是金朝的都城,对吗?为什么?____________________________________________________痛惜岳家军绍兴十一年八月,岳飞被弹劾罢官。宋金和议已展开,双方使者往还不绝。十月,岳飞接到“乞令班师”回朝的十二道金牌。岳飞气愤的说“十年之功,废于一旦。”虽知此行凶多吉少,岳飞仍一意前往。不久被捕入狱高宗为了与金人言和,在秦桧的怂恿下,决定杀害岳飞。(3)秦桧“乞令班师”的真实目的是什么?文中“十年之功”是指什么? ____________________________________________________(4) 秦桧以什么罪名杀害了岳飞?____________________________________________________(5)如果你是岳飞,你会班师回朝吗?____________________________________________________

岳飞受到陷害,惨遭杀害。事发后,杭州城有一位卖油炸饼的小摊贩憎恨秦桧这对贼夫妇,就用面团捏了两个面人,代表秦桧和王氏,再把他们捏在一起,下油锅炸熟。他高声叫喊:「来,来,大家来吃『油炸鬼』,吃掉这对害人的狗男女!」 「鬼」与「桧」谐音,「油炸鬼」影射秦桧。市民纷纷前来购买,个个拍手叫好。很快,这个小吃传遍全国,并流传至今。 



