问题 阅读理解


    There is a special kind of hotel in Quebec, Canada. It has a bar, a church, a shop and a small theater.

These things are not unusual. But this hotel is only open from January till March every year. Why? Because it is made of ice and snow! When the weather gets warm, the hotel melts(融化) and closes. Every winter,

the hotel owners build the hotel again.

    Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow. All the furniture, such as the tables and chairs, is

made of ice. Even the beds are made of ice! So people use special sleeping bags on the ice beds. Inside

the ice hotel, the temperature is about 27°F(-3°C)

    When people sleep, the sleeping bags keep them warm. In the morning, they can have a hot breakfast. After breakfast, people can enjoy winter activities. They can go skiing or ice fishing. Or they can go skating in the dining room. At the end of the day, people can relax at the bar.They can have drinks in glasses made of ice.

    Many people enjoy the Ice Hotel every year. But they can only enjoy it for a short time before it melts


1. Every year, this hotel is only open for      _   

A. four weeks  

B. about three months  

C. two seasons  

D. about a year

2. People can go ___     in the dining room after breakfast.

A. skiing.      

B. skating         .  

C. fishing      

D. swimming

3. What's the best title of this passage?

A. An Unusual Hotel  

B. A Warm Hotel  

C. A Common Hotel  

D An Old Hotel


1-3  BBA




材料一 “明德慎罚,国家既治四海平。”“仁人无敌于天下。” “明主之国,令者,言最贵者也;法者,事最适者也。言无二贵,法不两适。故言行而不轨于法令者必禁。”



材料二 十八世纪,牛顿的学说通过伏尔泰传播到了法国,从而使法国人首次感受到牛顿思想的优势。牛顿的学说证实了在对客观真理的探索中,最可靠的是人的理性,而非信仰。牛顿的理性精神对法国的人文及其他学科产生了巨大冲击。                                      ——《牛顿引力理论给法国带来的冲击》



材料三 一般说来,“五四”以前中国知识分子的“格义”方式主要是运用中国传统文化的观点分析、吸取西方文化,用中国传统文化的模式去套用西方近世文化;“五四”以后,人们的主要倾向则是借用西方文化的观点评析、批判或赞赏新文化,用西方文化的模式去解释中国传统文化。前者实质上从旧文化的立场批评或赞赏新文化。后者则用新文化批评或赞赏旧文化。写历史小论文,列提纲是一项重要的技能。






1. 其方式是 





                                                               ③                                                                                                ——用新文化全面否定旧文化




材料四  上个世界80年代末90年代初,不少党内人士产生了严重的危机感,担心在中国也可能出现苏联和东欧的情况。反对进一步改革开放以及把“姓资姓社”摆在首位的思潮,重新开始占据思想和舆论的主导权。                                             ——《李罗力:亲历邓 * * 南巡》

材料五 社会主义要赢得与资本主义相比较的优势,就必须大胆吸收和借鉴人类社会创造的一切文明成果,吸收和借鉴当今世界各国包括资本主义发达国家的一切反映现代社会化生产规律的先进经营方式、管理方法。                                             ——邓 * * “南方谈话”

(4)据材料四和所学知识概括邓 * * “南方谈话”的背景。材料五体现了邓 * * 的什么思想?这一思想对中国20世纪90年代的改革开放产生了怎样的影响?

