问题 多项选择题








解析:《最高人民法院关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定(试行)》第19条规定:“生效法律文书的执行,一般应当由当事人依法提出申请。”但在以下情况下,由审判庭移送执行机构执行:(1) 发生法律效力的具有给付赡养费、扶养费、抚育费内容的法律文书、民事制裁决定书;(2)具有财产执行内容的刑事附带民事判决书、裁定书、调解书;(3)审判人员认为涉及国家、集体或者公民重大利益的案件。最高人民法院《关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定(试行)》第109条的规定:“在执行中或执行完毕后,据以执行的法律文书被人民法院或其他有关机关撤销或变更的,原执行机构应当依照民事诉讼法第二百一十条的规定,依当事人申请或依职权,按照新的生效法律文书,作出执行回转的裁定,责令原申请执行人返还已取得的财产及其孳息。拒不返还的,强制执行。执行回转应重新立案,适用执行程序的有关规定。”

     I am a person who can get angry easily. But since I read an article from my English teacher, things  1  a
     I am  2  at a boarding (寄宿的) school, so I  3  learn not only how to study well, but also how to  4  with
others. Some of us are  5  while others are quiet. It is common that people have problems and arguments. So
  6  can we be tolerant (宽容的)?
     Smiling at  7  is the easiest way. Another way is to think  8  your ideas are reasonable (有道理的) and
right  9  having an argument. If others' ideas are really not good, keep an open  10  . Try to forgive them.
Having a friend is  11  better than having an enemy after all!
     Also, don't point out other's  12  in public. This will mean people lose face and get  13 . If you really want
to help, send a letter instead. On the other hand, if someone points out your disadvantages (缺点), don't be
  14 . Just think this is a person who really wants to  15  you and become friends. Remember: Tolerance
makes life easier.
( )1. A. changed 
( )2. A. working 
( )3. A. can   
( )4. A. keep up 
( )5. A. busy   
( )6. A. why   
( )7. A. others  
( )8. A. which  
( )9. A. until  
( )10. A. head  
( )11. A. much  
( )12. A. thoughts
( )13. A. lost  
( )14. A. happy  
( )15. A. worry  
B. have changed 
B. teaching    
B. may     
B. get along  
B. shy     
B. where       
B. other    
B. when     
B. while    
B. mind      
B. so       
B. faces    
B. burnt    
B. angry    
B. hurt     
C. change    
C. writing     
C. have to   
C. catch  up  
C. serious   
C. how         
C. the other  
C. if       
C. before    
C. brain    
C. as        
C. mistakes   
C. hurt      
C. interested  
C. help      
D. are changing
D. studying   
D. will       
D. talk about 
D. outgoing   
D. what       
D. the others 
D. why        
D. when       
D. hand       
D. very       
D. ideas                             
D. helped     
D. confident  
D. laugh at   