问题 论述题

材料一: 2月14日,2011年度国家科学技术奖励大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中 * * * * 、国家 * * 、中央军委 * * 胡 * * 向获得2011年度国家最高科学技术奖的中国科学院院士谢家麟和中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士吴良镛颁奖。

材料二:神舟八号飞船于北京时间11月1日发射升空,并顺利进入预定轨道。飞船将在两天内与天宫一号进行首次空间交会对接。 2月25日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号丙运载火箭,成功将第十一颗北斗导航卫星送入太空预定转移轨道。






我国必须实施科教兴国与人才强国的战略,实现中 * * 的复兴。(2分)


在现代社会,依靠科技进步促进生产力的发展,是创造财富的重要途径(即科技创造财富) (2分)





There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service (1) (VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment, (2) there are opportunities for overseas service for (3) technicians in developing countries. Some people, (4) those who retire early, (5) their technical and business skills in countries (6) there is a special need.

So in considering voluntary or (7) community service, there are more opportunities than there (8) were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time

(9) and depend very much on volunteers and part-timers. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different. (10) some ways they may seem more casual and less efficient, but one should not (11) them by commercial criteria. The people who work with them do so for different reasons and with different (12) , both personal and (13) . One should not join them (14) to arm them with professional experience; they must be joined with commitment to the (15) , not business efficiency. Because salaries are (16) or non-existent many voluntary bodies offer modest expense. But many retired people take part in community service for (17) , simply because they enjoy the work.

Many community activities possible (18) retirement were also possible during one’s working life but they are to be undertaken (19) seriously for that. Retired people who are just looking for something different or unusual to do should not consider (20) community service.




