问题 填空题

In its more extreme forms persecution mania is a recognized

form of insanity. Some people imagine that others wish to kill

them, or imprison them, or to do them some other grave injury.

Often the wish to protect themselves from imaginary persecutors   (1)______

leads them into acts of violence which make it necessary to restrain

their liberty. This, like many other forms of insanity, is

only an exaggeration of tendency not at all uncommon among      (2)______

people who count as normal. I do not propose to discuss

the extreme forms, that are a matter for a psychiatrist.       (3)______

It is the milder forms that I wish to consider, since they      (4)______

are a very frequent cause of unhappiness, and because, not having

gone much far as to produce definite insanity, they          (5)______

are still capable of being dealt by the patient himself,       (6)______

provided he can be induced to diagnose his trouble

right and to see that its origin lies within himself and        (7)______

not in the supposed hostility and unkindness of others.        (8)______

We are all familiar with the type of person, man or woman,

who, according to his own account, is perpetually the victim

of ingratitude, unkindness, and treachery. People of such kind     (9)______

are often extraordinarily plausible, and secure warm sympathy

from those who have not known them long. There

is, as a rule, nothing inherently improbable about every separate    (10)______

story that they relate.











材料一 西晋文学家左思创作《三都赋》“豪贵之家竞相传写,洛阳为之纸贵。” ——《晋书·左思传》

材料二 中国人……造纸的知识随着阿拉伯人传入欧洲,1340年在意大利的法布里亚诺建立了第一个造纸的作坊。……这就为“知识普及”口号打开道路,标志着我们心目中所谓书籍的开端。 ——(德)利普斯《事物的起源》





