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iv、1936年6月到10月,斯诺进入陕北红色区域进行采访。同年11月,他在上海英文周报《密勒氏评论报》首先发表了题为《与 * * 党领袖毛 * * 的会见》的长篇报道,以及他拍摄的毛 * * 头戴八角红星帽的照片。1937年3月,上海秘密发行了《外国记者西北印象》一书,选载了斯诺提供的国内外文报刊发表过的13篇陕北见闻新闻原稿,又以《毛斯会见记》为题,介绍了毛 * * 与斯诺在延安的谈话。在上述报道的基础上,斯诺撰写了约30万字的《红星照耀中国》一书,1937年10月在英国出版,1938年1月,美国版本发行;1938年2月,翻译后改名为《西行漫记》在国内发行。

v、斯诺陕北之行的报道和《红星照耀中国》的出版发行,突破了国民党多年的新闻封锁,向全世界相近传播了中 * * 党对时局的看法和主张,真是报到了中 * * 党领导的人民斗争功绩和中国工农红军英勇的长征,生动刻画了中 * * 党领袖人物的鲜明形象,热情描述了根据地人民的革命理想和崭新生活。《红星照耀中国》的问世,被评价为“标志着西方了解中国的新纪元”。大批进步青年在该书的影响下,奔赴延安,踏上革命征程。


The public commonly associates steroid use with big-time athletics. But the drugs may be even more of a menace to teenagers. The synthetic hormones can stunt a young person’s growth by prematurely closing the ends of the long bones in the skeleton. That means a 1.7 metre, 15-year-old high school student who uses steroids “might get bigger but won’t get any taller”, according to a US doctor.

Nearly seven percent of boys in the US try steroids before the end of high school, according to a 1988 study by professors Charles Yesalis and William Buckley, of Penn State University. The estimate comes from a poll of 3,400 seniors in 46 public and private schools across the US.

“Abusers of Steroids did it to improve their appearance and to excel at sports,” Professor Yesalis said. “Parents, teachers and coaches make boys believe that to be an ideal male you need to have these. Then they say: ‘you can’t play games to have fun; you play games to win.’”

“Such attitudes put many high school athletes at high risk of becoming abusers of steroids,” said Mike Gimbel, director of Baltimore County Office of substance Abuse. “For these athletes, the pressure to perform is incredible,” he said. “It was inevitable that it would seep down to high school level.”

小题1:The word “big-time” in Paragraph 1 most nearly means “________”.

A.long time

B.good time

C.top rank

D.modern小题2:Why are steroids even more of a threat to teenagers?

A.Because they make teenagers grow too tall.

B.Because they make teenagers get too big.

C.Because they prevent teenagers from getting taller and taller.

D.Because they give teenagers too much pressure.小题3:Which of the following statements is implied but not mentioned?

A.School athletes have too much pressure.

B.Steroids can help people have lots of muscles.

C.The pressure chiefly comes from parents, teachers and coaches.

D.Girls are not interested in steroids.小题4:Which of the following is a good title for this passage?

A.Drugs and Sports

B.The Pressure to School Boys are Too Much

C.School Boys are Interested in Drugs

D.School Athletes Risk Damage from Drugs