问题 单项选择题

(1) 从南方某农场购进天然像胶,开具的普通发票上注明的价款为12000元;购进该货物时支付的运费为2000元(有货票)。橡胶厂将这些天然橡胶加工成生产轮胎的橡胶,其实际成本为180000元。厂方用其中的100000元橡胶生产各类轮胎,其中手扶拖拉机专用轮胎100套,每套500元(不含增值税价格),全部售出;汽车用的轮胎800套,每套1200元(不含增值税价格),共销售500套,其中有200套属于子午线轮胎。
(2) 其余实际成本为80000元的橡胶,该厂委托某轮胎厂加工汽车的内胎和外胎。收回时支付加工费3700元(含受托方支付的辅料700元),并取得增值税专用发票。该厂将委托加工的内、外胎继续组装成上述同型号汽车轮胎500套(非子午线),以每套1300元的价格(不含增值税价格)全部售出。已知委托方“应交税金—应交消费税”科目的借方期初和期末均无余额。
(3) 将(1)业务中剩余的300套汽车用的轮胎以含增值税价格换取南方某农场的天然橡胶,对方开具的是普通发票。
(4) 从废旧物资回收经营单位购进废弃的轮胎1000公斤,用于生产再生胶。普通发票上注明的每公斤收购价格为5元。并将再生胶生产自行车轮胎出售,取得销售收入12000元(不含增值税价格)。

第1笔业务应纳的增值税和消费税为( )。







解析:消费税的计算:子午线轮胎和手扶拖拉机专用轮胎免征消费税。应纳消费税=(500-200)×1200×10%=36000(元)。 (2) 增值税的计算:允许抵扣的进项税额=120000×13%+2000×7%=15740(元),销售额=500×lOO+500×1200=650000(元),应纳增值税=650000×17%-15740=94760(元)。


Have you ever wanted to feel like you were in a western film? Or maybe you wanted to feel like you were a pioneer traveling the west? It is possible to experience such things during a Wild West vacation! Here are four of the best Wild West vacation locations available:

Walk the Lewis and Clark Trail

Walk some or all of the 3,700 miles trail that was traversed by Mariwether Lewis and William Clark, two of the world’s greatest explorers. Though not all the trails are marked, there are various stops that have been preserved by various historic societies. There is also a coach (长途客车) that makes a 16-day trek following the trail. This begins in St. Louis, Missouri, and ends in Astoria, Oregon.

Venture Route 66

Take a tour or go to see it yourself — ride on the famous Route 66. The road is nearly 2,500 miles long. Harley Davidson offers motorcycle tours that last two weeks. Route 66 will provide an experience that may only be found on the open road. The historic road is still well taken care of.

Visit the Grand Canyon

Visit the greatest canyon in the world, located in Northern Arizona. Raft down the Colorado River, or hike the various trails that run throughout the canyon. If walking is not your thing, there are donkey and horse riding adventures available. In addition, there are motorized boats that float down through the canyon in a week’s time.

Visit Deadwood

Located in South Dakota, Deadwood is a historic landmark. It is the kind of town that comes to mind when one thinks of an old western film. Actors who act as gunslingers (杀手) will often be seen in the streets playing their roles. Winter activities are popular in this old town, and there is always something to do.

小题1:The underlined word “trek” (Para 2) can be replaced by      .

A.beautiful scenery

B.traveling information

C.pleasant holiday

D.long and hard journey小题2:Which of following riding adventures can tourists take on Route 66?              

A.A horse riding adventure.

B.A coach riding adventure.

C.A motorcycle riding adventure.

D.A donkey riding adventure.小题3:If you want to hike various trails you are advised to      .

A.visit the Grand Canyon

B.visit Deadwood

C.venture Route 66

D.walk the Lewis and Clark Trail小题4:What do we know from the passage?

A.A number of historic stops aren’t protected well.

B.William Clark was a pioneer who explored the west.

C.Western films are the most popular among Americans.

D.None of the trails in the west are marked.
